The scale of West Africa’s Ebola epidemic has been attributed to the weak health systems of affected countries,
their lack of resources, the mobility of communities and their inexperience in dealing with Ebola. This briefing for African Affairs argues that these explanations lack important contex...t. The briefing examines responses to the outbreak and offers a different set of explanations, rooted in the history of the region and the political economy of global health and development. To move past technical discussions of “weak” health systems, it highlights how structural violence has contributed to the epidemic. As part of this, local people – their beliefs, concerns and priorities – have been marginalised. Both the crisis response and post-Ebola ‘reconstruction’ will be strengthened by acknowledgment of its long term structural underpinnings and from a more collaborative inclusion of local people.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2014, 3:42
You can download the handbook, worksheets and quick reference cards from the website!
The HHEAT is an ethical analysis tool designed to help humanitarian healthcare workers make ethical decisions. It consists of 3 components: (1) a summary card highlighting key questions, (2) a handbook providing a...n overview of the tool, and (3) a worksheet for recording the decision-making process. The tool was inspired by research examining ethical challenges and moral distress experienced by humanitarian workers. The HHEAT has been tested and validated by humanitarian workers and experts from the fields of humanitarian medicine and nursing, as well as applied ethics.
Rezumat. Definiţie. Epidemiologie. Etiologie. Ciclul de transmitere al tuberculozei. Patogenie si imunitate. Leziuni morfologice în tuberculoză.Modul PNEUMOLOGIE
1 mai 2013 – 30 aprilie 2014]Creditat prin decizia CMR nr. 6653/21.12.2012
Eur Respir J. 2014 April ; 43(4): 1132–1141. doi:10.1183/09031936.00203613.
en collaboration avec des experts en santé mentale du Centre Neuro-Psychopathologique de l’Université de Kinshasa (CNPP/UNIKIN)
This toolkit has been written to empower health workers in resource-poor settings to integrate palliative care into the work they are doing by grafting the missing elements of care onto what is already in place. The WHPCA, Hospice UK and Palliative Care Works have led this updating of the Palliative... Care Toolkit published in 2008 to reflect new knowledge and practice
The Manual is available in various languages: English, Swahili, Bengali, French, Georgian, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian,
Community Health Committee Training