Formation en Premiers Secours Psychologiques aux enfants : 2 jours
Gestion du stress du personnel : 1 journée
The Vision 2020 is a reflection of our aspiration and determination as Rwandans, to construct a united, democratic and inclusive Rwandan identity, after so many years of authoritarian and exclusivist dispensation. We aim, through this Vision, to transform our country into middle - income nation in w...hich Rwandans are healthier, educated and generally more prosperous. The Rwanda we seek is one that is united and competitive both regionally and globally. To achieve this, the Vision 2020 identifies six interwoven pillars, including good governance and an efficient State, skilled human capital, vibrant private sector, world class physical infrastructure and modern agriculture and livestock, all geared towards prospering in national, regional and global markets.
The Third Rwandan Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP III) provides strategic guidance to the health sector for six years, between July 2012 and June 2018. HSSP III has been inspired and guided by the VISION 2020, which will make Rwanda a lower-middle-income country by 2020; the Rwandan Health Policy... of 2004; and the priorities set out by the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2008–2012).
For the Fiscal Year 2014-2015, the Health Sector continued to implement interventions and strategies meant to improve the availability, accessibility and utilization of quality healthcare services across public and private health facilities; and to ensure the reduction of the burden of communicable ...and non-communicable diseases in Rwanda. This annual report highlights key achievements registered by the health sector during the Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Achievements are highlighted under three big components: Health Programs, Health Systems Support and Budget Execution.
Das Handbuch soll die Ausbildung in unterschiedlichen Gesundheitsberufen, beispielsweise in der Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie oder der Pflegeausbildung, um den Faktor interkulturelle Kompetenz bereichern.
FREE resources include books, posters and guides that are available in digital format only
Different Local languages are available!
Second Global Forum on Human Resources for Health 25 - 29 January 2011 | Bangkok, Thailand | Empower health workers for health outcomes | Reviewing progress, renewing commitments to health workers towards MDGs and beyond
Welcome to the online course on the basics of tobacco product regulation. Although tobacco use is a major public health problem, tobacco products are one of the few openly available consumer products that are virtually unregulated in many countries for contents, emissions and design features. In rec...ent years, health authorities have become increasingly interested in the potential of tobacco product regulation to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with tobacco use. However, barriers to implementing appropriate regulation include limited understanding of common approaches or best practices, and a lack of adequate resources and/or technical capacity. Duration app. 3 hours
Creating Videos to train health workers and serve communities.
Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology give us the power to reach large numbers, cost-effectively... and across vast distances, resulting in significant impact at minimal cost per patient.
A web-based portal that connects the data and information generated through coordination processes to the managers and leaders who rely on it for decision-making. Using Humanitarian InSight, anyone can, for the first-time, access publicly available information on needs, response, funding and gaps th...rough one innovative and intuitive online portal. Humanitarian InSight will help strengthen our commitment to greater transparency and accountability, and increasingly allow us to showcase collective achievements in coordinated humanitarian response.