Government of Nepal has an obligation to ensure availability of affordable and high quality basic health care services to its population
В пособии представлены организационно-методические аспекты проекта «Скажем изоляции – нет!»: психосоциальная реабилитация в условиях психиатрического стациона...а», целью которого является улучшение качества психиатрической помощи путем повышения квалификации работников психиат-
рических служб по вопросам психосоциальной реабилитации, клинической и социальной психиатрии, а также посредством проведения психосоциальной работы с пациентами и членами их семей.
В пособии также представлены структура лекционной программы, краткое содержание информации, полученной слушателями на семинарах и мастерклассах. Пособие предназначено для специалистов психиатрических учреждений психиатров, психологов, психотерапевтов, специалистов по социальной работе, среднего медицинского персонала.
Final Report
Submitted to: Unicef, New Delhi
ORG Centre for Social Research (A Division of AC Nielsen ORG- MARG Private Limited)
Accessed: 30.10.2019
The Trends and Developments report presents a top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Europe, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. Together with the online Statistical Bulletin and 30 Country Drug Reports, it makes up the 2019 European Drug ...Report package.
Available in different languages:
The aim of this “model contingency plan” is to assist programme managers and planners in devel-oping a national, context-specific, dengue outbreak response plan in order to: (a) detect a dengue outbreak at an early stage through clearly defined and validated alarm signals; (b) precisely define w...hen a dengue outbreak has started; and (c) organize an early response to the alarm signals or an “emergency response” once an outbreak has started.
Table of contents:
- Preface
- Introductory note and acknowledgements
- Commentary
- Chapter 1: Drug supply and the market
- Chapter 2: Drug use prevalence and trends
- Chapter 3: Drug-related harms and responses
- Annex: National data tables
Available in 24 languages on:
Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics
In recent years Terre des Hommes Netherlands observed the steady rise of a new form of child sexual exploitation. One that is enabled and fuelled by rapid technological advances, increasing global connectivity, persisting poverty rates, and growing disparity in the global distribution of resources. ...Terre des Hommes Netherlands received alarming signals from collaborating project partners from the Philippines that new commercial child exploitation trades are evolving and spreading parallel to rising global Internet access rates and developments in communications technology.
Webcam child sex tourism is evidently growing, closely related to child prostitution, child trafficking and child abuse. What is not clear however, are the psychological and social consequences of this new phenomenon. To date, no research has been done on the psychosocial consequences of webcam sex for children. The aim of this research is therefore to gain more knowledge on the psychosocial consequences of webcam child sex tourism for children and to give insight into the antecedent factors that play a role.
Patient information on asthma and COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Patient information on COPD. English version. Also available in: Arabic, French, German, Russian, Turkish, Spanish. For other versions go to:
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Colorectal Cancer | Coordinated by Division of Non Communicable Diseases | This Consensus Document on Management of Colorectal Cancer summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies,
supportive and palliative and molecular markers and research questions. It also interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.
Prepared as an outcome of ICMR Subcommittee on Larynx & Hypopharynx Cancers | This consensus document on management of larynx and hypopharynx cancers summarizes the modalities of treatment including the site-specific anti-cancer therapies, supportive and palliative care and molecular markers and questions. It also interweaves clinical, biochemical and epidemiological studies.