Октябрь 2017
Рекомендации EACS 9.0
Recommendations, resources and references
A publication of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society
Topics in Antiviral Medicine 25 Issue 2 May/June 2017
Time for recognition of lay counsellors
Accessed November 2017
A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Accessed November 2017.
A review of available evidence (2016).
28-29 June 2016; Geneva, Switzerland
The END TB strategy.
An analysis from the perspective of the health sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Washington, D.C., 2017
3rd Edition – July 2017
June 2017
HIV strategic information for impact
Application of a One Health approach .
The present guidance was developed with the support of the WHO Advisory Group on Integrated Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AGISAR) to assist countries and other stakeholders in the establishment and development of programmes of integrated surveillan...ce of antimicrobial resistance in the foodborne bacteria (i.e., bacteria commonly transmitted by food) by taking a One Health approach.
WHO clinical guidelines.
For the first time, WHO has published guidelines to help (primarily) front-line healthcare providers give high-quality, compassionate, and respectful care to children and adolescents (up to age 18) who have or may have experienced sexual abuse, including sexual assault or r...ape.
MSF International AIDS Working Group
В борьбе с туберкулезом достигнуты значительные прорывы, среди которых ускоренные и более точные методы диагностики и первые новые лекарственные средства за 50 л...т, однако сохраняется губительное отставание во внедрении этих нововведений в практику и обеспечения доступа к ним для уязвимых и социально ущемленных групп населения, в том числе заключенных, людей, живущих с ВИЧ, внутренних и внешних мигранты и наркопотребителей