Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
This report, which involved input from across WaterAid, in particular from the Programme Support Unit (PSU) of WaterAid UK, includes case studies from a variety of countries, including Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Nepal, each demonstrating what must be done now to i...mprove WASH services and address current challenges, in order to increase community resilience to climate change.
Ergebnisse aus dem wiederholten querschnittlichen Monitoring von Wissen, Risikowahrnehmung, Schutzverhalten und Vertraün während des aktuellen COVID-19 Ausbruchsgeschehens
Stand: 14.04.2020 (Version 07-00)
National Malaria Elimination & Aedes Transmitted Diseases Control Program
6th Version 2019
July 2019
National Malaria Elimination & Aedes Transmitted Disease Control Program
Disease Control Division
Derectorate General of Health Services
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 4
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 5
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Мы работаем для того, чтобы все пациенты в Европе, пострадавшие от инсульта, имелиправо на постоянный уход. От профилактики иидентификации рисков, через неотложную...помощь к организации подразделенийреагирования на инсульт в острой форме, кнадлежащей реабилитации и мероприятиямвторичной профилактики к 2015 г.
Accessed on 2019
Demographic and Health Surveys, Working Paper
Direktorat Promosi Kesehatan Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Direktorat Jenderal Kesehatan Masyarakat:
Booklets, Posters, Leaflets, Videos and more. For your own download.
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Многоязычное руководство для живущих в Баварии мигрантов. Mehrsprachiger Ratgeber für die in Bayern lebenden Migrantinnen und Migranten