Analysis on World about Agriculture, Food and Nutrition and more; published on 23 Sep 2021 by ECA, ECLAC and 3 other organizations
According to the latest available estimates, more than 1 in 7 adolescents aged 10–19 is estimated to live with a diagnosed mental disorder globally. Almost 46,000 adolescents die from suicide each year, among the top five causes of death for their age group. Meanwhile, wide gaps persist between me...ntal health needs and mental health funding. The report finds that about 2 per cent of government health budgets are allocated to mental health spending globally.
The full report , excecutive summary, brief reports are available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic at
Orientations provisoires
9 août 2021
Le présent document vise à décrire un ensemble minimal d'activités de surveillance recommandées au niveau national pour détecter et surveiller la prévalence relative des variantes du SRAS-CoV-2 et à présenter un ensemble d'activités pour la caractér...isation et l'évaluation du risque que présentent ces variantes. k posés par ces variants. Un ensemble d'indicateurs est également fourni pour normaliser la surveillance et la déclaration publique de la circulation des variants.
Ce document est principalement destiné aux autorités de santé publique nationales et infranationales et aux partenaires qui soutiennent la mise en œuvre de la surveillance des variantes du SRAS-CoV-2.
Временные рекомендации
9 августа 2021 г.
Цель данного документа - описать минимальный набор мероприятий по эпиднадзору, рекомендуемых на национальном уровне для вы...вления и мониторинга относительной распространенности вариантов SARS-CoV-2, и наметить набор мероприятий для характеристики и оценки риска, создаваемого этими вариантами. Также приводится набор показателей для стандартизации мониторинга и публичной отчетности о циркуляции вариантов.
Документ предназначен в первую очередь для национальных и субнациональных органов здравоохранения и партнеров, поддерживающих внедрение эпиднадзора за вариантами SARS-CoV-2.
MEDBOX Dossier no. 16. 28 Sept 2021.
De nombreuses études ont montré l'efficacité de la vaccination contre le COVID-19 et le fait qu'elle protège contre les maladies graves.
maladie grave. Un taux de vaccination élevé est nécessaire pour combattre la pandémie dans le monde entier. En raiso...n de la désinformation et des mythes, les gens hésitent encore beaucoup à se faire vacciner. Dans ce dossier, nous souhaitons vous présenter différents mythes et vous fournir du matériel éducatif sur ces sujets et vous fournir du matériel éducatif sur les sujets respectifs à communiquer dans le MEDBOX.
Issue Brief no. 16. 20 Sept 2021.
Many studies have shown the effectiveness of vaccination against COVID-19 and that it protects against severe
illness. A high vaccination rate is needed to combat the pandemic worldwide. Due to misinformation and myths,
there is still a great hesitancy to vaccina...te . With this Issue Brief, we would like to present various myths and provide
you with educational materials on the respective topics for communication in the MEDBOX
Menstrual Health & Hygiene for Girls and Women with Disabilities in Arabic
A technical and environmental comparative overview of common shelter typologies found in settlements across UNHCR operations
Countries across the world are facing diverse epidemiological situations with varying response
capacities and access to life saving tools. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that national authorities continue to apply a risk-based approach when implementing measures related to COVID-19... and international travel while respecting the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of travellers. This approach should consider the risk posed by travel for the importation and exportation of cases in the context of the evolving epidemiology, including the emergence and circulation of virus variants of concern; the expansion of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out; and lessons learned while responding to the pandemic, including on the early detection and management of cases and the application of public health and social measures.
This document aims to describe a minimum set of surveillance activities recommended at the national level to detect and monitor the relative prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and outline a set of activities for the characterization and assessment of risk posed by these variants. A set of indicators also provided to standardize monitoring and public reporting of variant circulation.
The document is primarily intended for national and sub-national public health authorities and partners who support implementation of surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 variants
This interim guidance is for LTCF managers and corresponding infection prevention and control (IPC) focal persons in LTCF and updates the guidance published in March 2020. The objective of this document is to provide guidance on IPC in LTCFs in the context of COVID-19 to 1) prevent COVID-19-virus entering the facility and spreading within the facility, and 2) to support safe conditions for visiting through the rigorous application of IPC procedures for the residents’ well-being. WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available.
Availabel in English, French, Russian and Spanish
The humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) has further worsened over the past six months. Election-related violence that broke out in mid-December 2020 has had a devastating effect on civilians. Thousands of people have been forced to flee, human rights violations have surged, ...hundreds of schools and dozens of hospitals have been forcibly closed and food prices have skyrocketed. This deterioration occurred in an already alarming context, with more than half of the population (2.8 million people) in need of humanitarian assistance and protection and 1.9 million people in acute need. In the past five years, there have never been as many people in humanitarian distress in CAR as today.
Many African countries were amongst the most rapid to respond to the emerging threat of COVID-19, implementing large-scale interventions at very early stages of their epidemic. As demonstrated in this document using very simple models, this rapid mobilization and timeliness of implementing control m...easures is likely to be an important determinant of their success. Indeed, as these measures were relaxed, subsequent waves of disease have been observed in many countries including South Africa, Kenya, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where such waves have severely impacted the health system by straining the supply of oxygen and ICU beds and inflicting a heavy toll on healthcare workers, often necessitating the re-imposition of control measures.
Background paper 10
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
May 2021