IDS Rapid Response Briefing 8
DHS Further Analysis Reports No 102
Collection of country-level good practices
Training On The Misp For Sexual And Reproductive Health In Crisis Part 2
This paper is Oxfam’s essential guide for WASH staff and partners. It describes the processes and standards that Oxfam WASH programmes should follow if they are to be carried out effectively, consistently and in a way which treats affected communities with respect.
All WASH staff members are expe...cted to understand and follow these Minimum Requirements. However, it is recognised that in acute emergencies it is preferable to start work on the basics immediately, and build up a comprehensive, quality programme in the following days and weeks. There will, therefore, be some programmes in which certain individual requirements are not appropriate or relevant; in such cases staff members responsible should be able to justify why she/he did things differently, or how the minimum requirement was achieved over time.
Overcoming HIV-related stigma and discrimination in health- care settings and beyond
The Community Action Research on Disability (CARD) programme in Uganda embraced and modified the EDR approach, recognising the need for including people with disability in the research process from concept to outcome, and nurturing participation and collaboration between all the stakeholders in achi...eving action-based research. T
A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders, for annexes see
…voices of persons with disabilities - Part 1
The road map sets global targets and milestones to prevent, control, eliminate or eradicate 20 diseases and disease groups as well as cross-cutting targets aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Three foundational pillars will support global efforts to achieve the targets: accelerate progra...mmatic action (pillar 1), intensify cross-cutting approaches (pillar 2) and change operating models and culture to facilitate country ownership (pillar 3).
Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas
It provides insight into WHO’s work that aims to improve the health of the people of the United Republic of Tanzania in collaboration with key stakeholders.
The Global Campaign Against Epilepsy “Out of the Shadows”