La lutte contre la tuberculose est une des priorités du ministère de la santé. C’est ainsi que le Plan Stratégique National de lutte contre la Tuberculose 2013-2017 du Sénégal a inscrit dans son programme d’actions la préoccupation de mieux d’améliorer la prise en charge des personnes ...vulnérables, dont les prisonniers. L’état de santé est un indicateur clef du bien être de la société, et les prisons servent de miroir. Une bonne compréhension des conditions sanitaires des détenus pourrait contribuer à améliorer le système de santé publique d’un pays. L’environnement carcéral est bien reconnu comme un lieu où les conditions de vie sont propices à la concentration de l’ensemble des maladies de la société, en premier lieu, les morbidités infectieuses.
Aide mémoire du DSDOM
Guide du formateur de l’Acteur Communautaire de Soins sur les maladies prioritaires de l’enfant ( MSAS- Sénégal-Octobre 2014)
The main objective of this mission was to assess the level of preparedness of Guinea-Bissau in respect of the WHO consolidated checklist. The checklist helps countries to assess and test their level of readiness it is being used to identify concrete action to be taken and where countries will requir...e support from partners. It lists 10 key components and tasks for both countries and the international community that should be completed within 30, 60 and 90 days from the date of issue of the list, with minimal requirements for equipment, material and human resources.
The components include: overall coordination; rapid response teams; public awareness and community engagement; infection prevention and control; epidemiological and laboratory surveillance; contact tracing; points of entry; laboratory; social mobilization and risk communication; budget.
Best Practices Report.PART 1 Primary Protection: Enhancing Health Care Resilience for a Changing Climatei Primary Protection: EnhancingU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This guide is an attempt to redress the deficit in understanding of implementation research and to encourage programme personnel and implementers to take a greater interest in the subject, recognizing that implementation research is in fact an integral part of programme planning and execution, rathe...r than something that happens once programmes are up and running. Intended for newcomers to the field, those already conducting implementation research, and those with responsibility for implementing programmes, the guide provides an introduction to basic implementation research concepts and language, briefly outlines what it involves, and describes the many exciting opportunities that it presents
(The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 21,2013)
N°46/2012 of 14/01/2013 - Official Gazette n° Special of 17/01/2013 - LAW No 45/2012 OF 14/01/2013 ON ORGANISATION, FUNCTIONING AND COMPETENCE OF THE COUNCIL OF PHARMACISTS
PLoS Pathogens | 1
February 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e100246
Le présent manuel fournit les directives actualisées à l'intention des médecins, infirmiers et laborantins confrontés à la tuberculose multirésistante (TB-MR). Il remplace la version élaborée en 2007 et s’est enrichi de l’expérience pratique de six années. Il s’appuie sur les recomm...andations de l’OMS de 2011.
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.3
This publication, the third module of a resource manual to support the training of planners and practitioners in managing flash flood risk, deals with structural measures. It presents bioengineering techniques, physical measures for slope stabilisation and erosion control, and physical measures for ...river training. It also presents the concept of integrated flood management as a component of integrated water resource management. It emphasizes that structural measures are most effective and sustainable when implemented together with appropriate non-structural measures. The manual is aimed at junior to mid-level professionals with a civil engineering background working on flash flood risk management at the district level.
Flash floods are among the most destructive natural disasters in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. Flash flood mitigation is generally addressed by community-based organisations, local non-governmental organisations, or district and local-level staff in government organisations. But these groups often lack adequate understanding of the processes causing flash floods and knowledge of flash flood risk management measures.
Rewiew Article
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Tuberculosis Research and Treatment; Volume 2011, Article ID 712736, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/712736