The objectives of the scheme is to promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection control practices in public health care facilities, to incentivize and recognize such public healthcare facilities that show exemplary performance in adhering to standard protocols of cleanliness and infection control, to... inculcate a culture of ongoing assessment and peer review of performance related to hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation, to create and share sustainable practices related to improved cleanliness in public health facilities linked to positive health outcomes.
This is the first guidance note in a four-part series of notes produced by InterAction to support management,
program and M&E staff in international NGOs to plan, design, manage, conduct and use impact evaluations. This first guidance note, Introduction to Impact Evaluation, provides an overview of... impact evaluation, explaining how impact evaluation differs from – and complements – other types of evaluation, why impact evaluation should be
done, when and by whom. It describes different methods, approaches and designs that can be used for the different aspects of impact evaluation. The guidance note is also available in French, Arabic and Spanish on
This is the fourth guidance note in a four-part series of notes related to impact evaluation developed by InterAction with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation.This fourth guidance note, Use of Impact Evaluation Results, highlights three themes crucial for effective utilization of evalu...ation results. Theme one states that use does not happen by accident. Impact evaluations are more likely to be used when uses have been anticipated and planned from the earliest stages of the evaluation and, even better, from the planning stages of the work that is being evaluated. Theme two concerns the operations and systems required in an organization to use impact evaluations well. Theme three builds from the premise that the first two themes are necessary but insufficient conditions for the effective and widespread use of impact evaluations. The guidance note is also available in French, Arabic and Spanish on
Guide des programmes de protection de l’enfant pour concevoir et appliquer pas-à-pas les méthodes d’enquête CAP.
Guía detallada para el diseño e implementación de métodos de encuestas de conocimientos, actitudes y
prácticas para programas de protección de la infancia
Die deutschen Hochschulen und Studentenwerke können auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung bei der Integration von ausländischen Studierenden am Hochschul- und Forschungsstandort Deutschland zurückblicken. Die Integration von Flüchtlingen in Angebote zur Studienvorbereitung und das reguläre Studium... stellt Hochschulen und Studentenwerke allerdings oftmals vor zusätzliche Herausforderungen und bringt neue Fragen mit sich.
Die vorliegende Handreichung soll dabei unterstützen, die gezeigte Willkommenskultur der deutschen Hochschulen und Studentenwerke weiter zu fördern.
The ICAT is a simple and practical approach for assessing the adequacy of existing infection prevention and control practices and provides specific recommendations for improving practices and monitoring their effectiveness over time
Lessons from the IRC’s Early Emergency Response in the Urban Areas of Lesbos between September 2015 and March 2016
Incorporating Malawi Essential Medicines List (MEML)
The Global Early Warning – Early Action (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The report is part of FAO’s EWEA system, which aims to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action.