The purpose of this manual is to provide a resource for training to increase understanding of Health in All Policies (HiAP) by health and other professionals. It is anticipated that the material in this manual will form the basis of two- or three-day workshops, which will:
• Bu...ild capacity to promote, implement and evaluate HiAP;
• Encourage engagement and collaboration across sectors;
• Facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned;
• Promote regional and global collaboration on HiAP; and
• Promote dissemination of skills to develop training courses for trainers.
Methodological field approaches for scientists with a basic background in entomology to prepare and implement a yellow fever entomological assessment during outbreaks
Le présent document a été élaboré pour aiderles comités de coordination RAM et d’autres comités chargés de la RAM au niveau des pays àparvenir à cet objectif. S’appuyant sur la littérature publiée ainsi que sur l’expérience opérationnelle et l’expertise de différents PRFI, le ...document présente six stratégies clés pour atteindre l’objectif et offre une série de conseils pratiques et de suggestions sur la façon de mettre en œuvre chacune d’entre elles.
BMC Medicine (2015) 13:42 DOI 10.1186/s12916-014-0263-6
Guide de référence rapide à l’intention des autorités sanitaires et des soignants
Révisé en 2015
Informe Conjunto de Organizaciones de Defensa del Derecho a la Salud al Comité de Derechos Económicos y Sociales de las Naciones Unidas, con motivo del Examen del 3er Informe Periódico del Estado Venezolano en el Período de Sesión 55° del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y... Culturales
Report commissioned by the IASC Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluations Steering Group as part of the Syria Coordinated Accountability and Lessons Learning Initiative
This guidance is intended to be one stop shop to improve the quality and effectiveness of health interventions in emergency, to respond to the most frequent scenarios and conditions.
The main document contains the most common elements to be found in emergencies. As much as possible they are one pag...e tables on one topic each with the key elements that ensure quality in column 2 of the table. Column 1 is about key information. Column 3 contains suggested indicators and column 4 helps decision making. This is a document to consult as needed, not really to read from front to last page
of highly contagious viruses (of the Ebola or Marburg type) in the context of an epidemic outbreak in West Africa
This publication gives a broad vision of what a comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention and control means. In particular, it outlines the complementary strategies for comprehensive cervical cancer prevention and control, and highlights the neners. This new guide updates the 2006 edition... and includes the recent promising deve
ed for collaboration across programmes, organizations and partl-
opments in technologies and strategies that can address the gaps between the needs for and availability of services for cervical cancer prevention and control.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2014, 3:42