Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance and Research Network | This manual describes well accepted methods to carry out drug susceptibility testing on important gram positive and gram negative clinically relevant bacteria. Methods of specimen collection, transport, culture, anti-microbial drug suscept...ibility testing (common, special phenotypic and
molecular techniques) as well as quality control and quality assurance have been described in a concise manner.
With hundreds of illustrations and clear instructions, A Community Guide to Environmental Health helps health promoters, development workers, environmental activists, and community leaders take charge of their environmental health in villages and cities alike. Also available in Arabic, Spanish, Chin...ese, Portuguese, Turkish, Dari, Malayan, Mongolian and Russian.
This content is from the Advance Chapters of the NEW Where There Is No Doctor
This reference manual provides in-depth knowledge on the techniques, methodologies and best practices for using geospatial information in support of decision making for disaster risk management for specific hazards
Towards a Healthier Botswana
HIV Testing and Counselling Guidelines
District Level M & E Training and Reference Material for Primary Health Care Programmes