Health workers involved in deployment and implementation of COVID-19 vaccination require vaccine-specific knowledge to ensure safe and efficient vaccine delivery. This training provides key information about COVID-19 vaccines through short instructional videos, vaccine explainers, job aids, topic br...iefings, and downloadable presentations. It builds on the COVID-19 vaccination training for health workers and the Orientation to National Deployment and Vaccination Planning for COVID-19.
Please note that further videos and resources concerning other vaccines will be added as they receive emergency use listing (EUL) or prequalification. Available in different languages
يحتاج العاملون الصحيون الذين يشاركون في نشر وتنفيذ التطعيم ضد كوفيد-19 إلى معرفة خاصة بكل لقاح لضمان تقديم اللقاحات بشكل آمن وفعال. يوفر هذا التدريب معلومات أساسية ح...ول لقاحات كوفيد-19 من خلال مقاطع فيديو تعليمية قصيرة، وشروح للقاحات، وتوجيهات عملية، ومعلومات حول موضوعات محددة، وعروض تقديمية قابلة للتنزيل. وهو يعتمد على دورة تدريب العاملين الصحيين على التطعيم ضدّ كوفيد-19 وتوجيه التخطيط الوطني لتوزيع اللقاحات والتطعيم ضد كوفيد-19. وهو يعتمد على دورة تدريب العاملين
الكوليرا هي عدوى إسهالية حادة تنتج عن تناول طعام أو ماء ملوث. توفر هذه الدورة مقدمة عامة عن الكوليرا وتستهدف الأفراد المسئولين عن الاستجابة لفاشيات المرض في حالات ا...طوارئ المعقدة أو في البيئات التي تعرضت فيها البنية التحتية البيئية الأساسية للتلف أو الدمار.
Esta ficha informativa destaca a relação entre o consumo de álcool e a COVID-19. O consumo episódico pesado é considerado um risco à saúde para a COVID-19, e o álcool é usado por alguns para lidar com as emoções difíceis que aumentaram durante a pandemia.
As vacinas COVID-19 são eficazes contra novas variantes? O que significa para uma pessoa estar totalmente vacinada? Essa e outras dúvidas estão entre as dúvidas mais frequentes sobre a vacinação contra a COVID-19. Nesta sexta edição você encontrará respostas para essas e outras perguntas.
Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese
How to receive essential services, protection and other support if you're a refugee from Ukraine entering a neighbouring country.
In English and Ukranian
Ресурси та телефони допомоги для сімей, які залишають Україну . Як отримати ос...овні послуги, захист та іншу підтримку, якщо ви біженець з України, який в’їжджає в сусідню країну.
WHO lists 9th COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use to expand vaccination access in low-income countries, 17 December 2021
فيما يسمى بـ "الرسائل الإخبارية"، يقوم فريق ميدبوكس بجمع الوثائق والمعلومات المتعلقة بـ كوفيد -19 في شكل مرئي. نرحب بتعليقاتكم حول التنسيق والمحتوى، بالإضافة إلى مزي... من الاقتراحات
لتحسينها وتوسيعها
This leaflet provides support and advice for adults who are recovering from COVID-19. It can be used by individuals after hospitalization from the illness and those in the community who did not need hospitalization. The leaflet can complement care received from health care professionals. This is the... second edition of the leaflet that was originally published mid 2020 that includes updates to sections and new topics, encompassing what we have learnt about the condition and recovery in the last year. The leaflet was written by rehabilitation professionals in consultation with people recovering from COVID-19. Although references are not shown for ease of reading, the advice is evidence-based. There is still much we don’t know about post-COVID-19 recovery, and evidence is fast emerging.
Available in different languages
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) science conversation
In this video and audio series WHO experts explain the science related to COVID-19. This series is available every week on WHO's YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels and on all major podcasts platforms.
Download all epis...ode transcripts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Maithili, Nepali
interim guidance, 27 May 2021
All countries should increase their level of preparedness, alert and response to identify, manage and care for new cases of COVID-19. Countries should prepare to respond to different public health scenarios, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to ma...naging cases and outbreaks of COVID-19. Each country should assess its risk and rapidly implement the necessary measures at the appropriate scale to reduce both COVID-19 transmission and economic, public and social impacts.
The report presents the latest data on more than 50 health-related Sustainable Development Goal and "triple billion" target indicators. The 2021 edition includes preliminary estimates for global excess deaths attributable to COVID-19 for 2020 and the state of global and regional health trends from 2...000-2019. It also focuses on persistent health inequalities and data gaps that have been accentuated by the pandemic, with a call to urgently invest in health information systems to ensure the world is better prepared with better data.
12 January 2021
The COVID-19 vaccines under development or approved by regulators are believed to be safe for most people, including people living with HIV.
A Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, em seu esforço constante e permanente para apoiar os países das Américas, apresenta este documento para facilitar a formulação de uma estratégia de comunicação de riscos e participação comunitária (CRPC) para a vacinação contra o SARS-CoV-2. O in...tuito é contribuir para o fortalecimento das capacidades de comunicação e planejamento dos ministérios e secretarias de saúde, bem como de outros órgãos responsáveis pela comunicação na área das novas vacinas contra a COVID-19 nas Américas.
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
On the 9 February 2021, Africa CDC convened a special session of the Africa Task Force for COVID-19 to review existing data and evidence and recommend
Vaccines (shots) are one of the tools we have to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccines work with your body’s natural defenses so your body will be ready to fight the virus.
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