Provisional recommendations May 2014
Guidance Note. The recommended actions are presented under the different components (water supply, hygiene and hand washing, disinfection, solid waste management, latrine and wastewater management, and dead body management) of the defined Ebola Care Centre/Unit WASH package to complement community a...nd house-to-house level interventions
The main aim of this assessment was to evaluate the PSS response of URCS to these VHF, against the needs of beneficiaries and communities focused on the areas of most ‘added value’ of the URCS; community engagement mobilisation and support, documenting any unintended outcomes and best practice r...elated to the operation.
This study was carried out to better understand the local beliefs and practices likely to enhance or hinder efforts to respond to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Liberia.
Report of Meeting: 4 November 2014, Roma
Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations
A training tutorial for healthcare professionals
This ECDC tutorial presents the fundamental concepts of personal protective equipment (PPE) and barrier nursing to support preparedness in hospitals across Europe. It provides practical information on the proper use of PPE at the point of care, inclu...ding technical requirements and procurement aspects
Malaria is a prevalent cause of febrile illnesses in areas with high transmission, and its clinical presentation overlaps with initial signs of Ebola disease. For this reason, the effectiveness of the Ebola response in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone can be optimized through the deployment of targe...ted measures to reduce the number of fever cases due to malaria
WHO recommends specific adaptations in the diagnosis of malaria and in LLIN distribution in countries heavily affected by the Ebola outbreak and mass drug administration using artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) in areas where transmission of both Ebola and malaria is high and access to malaria treatment is very low.
Globalization and Health 2012, 8:15