The goal of this contingency plan for El Nino related epidemics is to contribute to the reduction in mortality and morbidity associated with El Nino epidemic threats by ensuring that appropriate systems to support health emergency preparedness, timely response and post disaster recovery and mitigati...on are in place at the national, district, health facility and community levels in Rwanda.
Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) | ISSN 2166-7403 (online) DOI 10.5195/cajgh.2018.295 |
Science Spotlight
February 14, 2018
Глобальный опрос взрослых о потреблении табака (GATS) — это мировой стандарт для систематического мониторинга употребления взрослыми табака (как курительного, так ... некурительного) и отслеживания ключевых показателей контроля над табаком.
The purpose of this strategy is to guide the planning, management and development of human resources for health in Rwanda for the period 2011 - 2016. The overall aim of the plan is to increase the number of appropriately skilled, motivated and equitably distributed health service providers for Rwand...a.
This is an updated introductory two-page document that defines AIDS vaccines and reviews key developments in the field.
There is no guarantee that a successful pilot program introducing a reproductive health innovation can also be expanded successfully to the national or regional level, because the scaling-up process is complex and multilayered. This article describes how a successful pilot program to integrate the S...tandard Days Method (SDM) of family planning into existing Ministry of Health services was scaled up nationally in Rwanda.
This guide includes information relevant for tuberculosis (TB) program and laboratory managers, as well as Ministry of Health officials across disease programs interested in establishing integrated solutions for specimen referral. Though TB-focused in name, it offers integration-oriented assessment,... design, and monitoring guidance related to improving coordination and efficiency, and is relevant for other programs as well. Country case studies include viral load and early infant diagnosis (EID) in Uganda and EID in Ethiopia.