This report includes analysis from informal regional consultations in the African Region, the Caribbean and North America, Latin America, South-East Asia Region, European Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, alongside three forums in the Western Pacific Region. It analyses the overarching similarit...ies, regional nuances and priorities raised across the six WHO regions for the meaningful engagement of individuals with lived experience.
It is the second publication in the WHO Intention to action series, which aims to enhance the limited evidence base on the impact of meaningful engagement and address the lack of standardized approaches on how to operationalise meaningful engagement. The Intention to action series aims to do this by providing a platform from which individuals with lived experience, and organizational and institutional champions, can share solutions, challenges and promising practices related to this cross-cutting agenda. The Intention to action series also aims to provide powerful narratives, inspiration and evidence towards the Fourth United Nations High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025 and achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals, WHO and the International Labour Organization (ILO) produce the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury (WHO/ILO Joint Estimates). The WHO/ILO Joint Estimates quantify the population exposed to occupational risk fac...tors and amount health loss caused by these exposures. Global, regional and national estimates are produced of the numbers of deaths and disability-adjusted life years that can be attributed to exposure to selected occupational risk factors. Estimates are produced disaggregated by sex and age group.
Learning objectives
• Name the general principles of essential care and practice.
• Name management principles of priority MNS conditions.
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with people with MNS conditions.
• Perform assessments for priority MNS conditions.
... Assess and manage physical health in MNS conditions.
• Know the impact of violence and gender-based violence on mental health.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to a person with a priority MNS condition and their
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in priority MNS
conditions considering special populations.
• Plan and perform follow-up for MNS conditions.
• Refer to specialists and links with outside agencies for MNS conditions as appropriate and
• Promote respect and dignity for people with priority MNS conditions.
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are among the most common infections worldwide with an estimated 1.5 billion infected people or 24% of the world’s population. These infections affect the poorest and most deprived communities with poor access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in tro...pical and subtropical areas, with the highest prevalence reported from sub-Saharan Africa, China, South America and Asia. They are transmitted by eggs present in human faeces, which in turn contaminate soil in areas where sanitation is poor. Over 260 million preschool-age children, 654 million school-age children,108 million adolescent girls and 138.8 million pregnant and lactating women live in areas where these parasites are intensively transmitted, and are in need of treatment and preventive interventions.
Les géohelminthiases comptent parmi les infections les plus courantes dans le monde, plus de 1,5 milliard de personnes, soit près de 24 % de la population mondiale, étant infestées à l’échelle mondiale. Ces infections touchent les communautés les plus pauvres et les plus défavorisées ayan...t un accès limité à l’eau potable, à l’assainissement et à l’hygiène dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, la plus forte prévalence étant recensée en Afrique subsaharienne, en Chine, en Amérique du Sud et en Asie. Elles se transmettent par des œufs présents dans les excréments humains, qui contaminent les sols là où les conditions d’assainissement sont insuffisantes. Plus de 260 millions d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, 654 millions d’enfants d’âge scolaire, 108 millions d’adolescentes et 138,8 millions de femmes enceintes ou allaitantes vivent dans des zones où il existe une transmission à grande échelle de ces parasites et nécessitent un traitement et la mise en place de mesures préventives.
Infections by the soil-transmitted helminths (STH), including Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale/Necator americanus (hookworms), and Strongyloides stercoralis, disproportionately affect children around the world. Because of their transmission associated with poor sanita...ry conditions and inadequate hygiene practices, higher burden of disease is seen in children from developing countries from sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Approximately 267 million preschool-age children (PSAC) and 568 million school-age children (SAC) worldwide are at risk of STH infection as well as impaired child growth and cognitive development from A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, and hookworm infections, and death due to severe S. stercoralis infection. Thus, their control is a global health priority.
Background: Despite several cycles of Mass Drug Administration (MDA), however, the prevalence of Soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) remains high in Bangladesh. A clear understanding of local knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to the acceptance and utilization of MDA is critical for ...effective implementation of this intervention.
Methods: This research, a cross-sectional descriptive study that utilized quantitative methods, was conducted between February and June 2017. A total of 380 questionnaire surveys were distributed to school-aged children (SAC), the parents of SAC, and school teachers.
Results: Out of 160 SACs, 81.9% knew of STH and 75.6% knew of MDA. SAC showed a high awareness of STH and recognized the importance of preventive measures and MDA. In terms of the parents of SAC and school teachers, close to half of the respondents were knowledgeable about STH and MDA. While nearly all of the participants held positive attitudes toward MDA, the respondents pointed out that school-based MDA presents severe limitations, as non-school-going children are neglected by this effort. A total of 68.3% of all school teachers and 56.8% of all parents of SAC found MDA efforts to be effective.
Conclusion: STH infections still remain a significant public health burden in Bangladesh. Reforming the MDA policy is necessary to achieve the target of STH elimination.
Este informe es el primero de la serie «Intención de pasar a la acción» de la OMS, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la limitada base de evidencia sobre la repercusión de la participación constructiva y abordar la falta de enfoques normalizados sobre cómo hacer operativa dicha participación. La serie... «Intención de pasar a la acción» pretende conseguirlo proporcionando una plataforma desde la que personas con experiencias vividas, y defensores de organizaciones e instituciones, puedan compartir soluciones, dificultades y prácticas prometedoras relacionadas con esta agenda transversal. Esta serie también tiene como objetivo proporcionar poderosas historias, inspiración y evidencia de cara a la Cuarta Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre las ENT que se celebrará en 2025, así como lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas para 2030.
Para ello, este informe incluye seis estudios de casos procedentes de 12 personas con experiencias vividas de diversas dolencias. Se analizan temas como la dinámica del poder y la reorientación del poder hacia las personas con experiencias vividas; la toma de decisiones informada y la alfabetización sanitaria; la implicación de la comunidad en redes sanitarias y sistemas de salud más amplios; la experiencia vivida como evidencia y conocimientos; la exclusión y la importancia de implicar a los grupos que están marginados; y la promoción y los derechos humanos
This report includes six case studies from 12 individuals with lived experience of diverse health conditions. These case studies explore the topics of power dynamics and power reorientation towards individuals with lived experience; informed decision-making and health literacy; community engagement ...across broader health networks and health systems; lived experience as evidence and expertise; exclusion and the importance of involving groups that are marginalized; and advocacy and human rights.
It is the first publication in the WHO Intention to action series, which aims to enhance the limited evidence base on the impact of meaningful engagement and address the lack of standardized approaches on how to operationalise meaningful engagement. The Intention to action series aims to do this by providing a platform from which individuals with lived experience, and organizational and institutional champions, can share solutions, challenges and promising practices related to this cross-cutting agenda. The Intention to action series also aims to provide powerful narratives,inspiration and evidence towards the Fourth United Nations High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025 and achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
En 1998, la Cinquante-et-Unième Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a adopté la résolution
WHA51.11 qui vise l’élimination mondiale du trachome en tant que problème de santé publique
à l’horizon 2020 (1). La stratégie recommandée pour atteindre cet objectif est récapitulée dans
le sig...le « CHANCE » qui signifie CHirurgie pour les personnes atteintes de trichiasis
trachomateux (TT – le dernier stade cécitant du trachome) ; Antibiothérapie, Nettoyage du
visage et Changements Environnementaux (2). Les interventions relatives aux volets A, N et CE
sont menées dans des districts entiers dans lesquels les cas de trachome évolutif
(inflammatoire) sont courants, dans le but de traiter les infections oculaires dues à Chlamydia
trachomatis, l’agent pathogène à l’origine du trachome, et de réduire durablement sa
La quincuagésima primera Asamblea de la Salud Mundial aprobó la resolución WHA51.11 en
1998, que busca la eliminación mundial del tracoma como problema de salud pública para el 2020
(1). La estrategia recomendada para lograr ese objetivo está encapsulada por las siglas "SAFE", que
represent...a: La cirugía para los individuos con triquiasis tracomatosa (TT; la última etapa que causa
ceguera por tracoma); y Antibióticos, Limpieza Facial y Mejoramiento ambiental (2). Las
intervenciones A, F y E se llevan a distritos enteros en los que el tracoma activo (inflamatorio) es
común para tratar la infección ocular causada por Chlamydia trachomatis, el agente causal del
tracoma y reduce de manera sustentable su transmisión.
The trematodes Fasciola hepatica (also known as the common liver fluke or the sheep liver fluke) and Fasciola gigantica are large liver flukes (F. hepatica: up to 30 mm by 15 mm; F. gigantica: up to 75 mm by 15 mm), which are primarily found in domestic and wild ruminants (their main definitive host...s) but also are causal agents of fascioliasis in humans.
Mycetoma is a chronic infectious disease of the subcutaneous tissue with a high morbidity. This disease has been reported from countries between 30°N and 15°S since 1840 but the exact burden of disease is not known. It is currently unknown what the incidence, prevalence and the number of reported ...cases per year per country is. In order to estimate what the global burden of mycetoma is, a meta-analysis was performed. In total 50 studies were included, which resulted in a total of 8763 mycetoma cases. Most cases were found in men between 11 and 40 years of age. The foot was most commonly affected.
Le présent document donne des indications supplémentaires pour un usage responsable et prudent des
antimicrobiens chez les animaux élevés pour l’alimentation humaine. II convient de le lire en conjonction
avec le Code d’usages international recommandé pour le contrôle de l'utilisation de...s médicaments
vétérinaires (CAC/RCP 38-1993). Les objectifs visés sont la réduction au minimum de l'incidence
potentiellement défavorable sur la santé publique de l'usage d'agents antimicrobiens chez les animaux
élevés pour l’alimentation humaine et, en particulier, du développement d'une résistance aux antimicrobiens. II importe également d'assurer l'usage sûr et utile des médicaments vétérinaires antimicrobiens en médecine vétérinaire en en maintenant l'efficacité
Rabies is a viral infection of wild and domestic mammals, transmitted to humans by the saliva of infected animals through bites, scratches or licks on broken skin or mucous membranes.
In endemic areas (Africa and Asia), 99% of cases are due to dog bites and 40% of cases are children under 15 years... of age.
Before symptoms develop, rabies can effectively be prevented by post-exposure prophylaxis.
Once symptoms develop, rabies is fatal. There is no curative treatment; care is palliative.
Este documento brinda orientación adicional para el uso responsable y prudente de los antimicrobianos en los animales productores de alimentos y debería leerse junto con el Código Internacional Recomendado de Prácticas para la Regulación del Uso de Medicamentos Veterinarios CAC/RCP 38-1993. Su ...objetivo es reducir al mínimo los posibles efectos adversos en la salud pública del uso de agentes antimicrobianos en los animales productores de alimentos, en particular el desarrollo de resistencia de los antimicrobianos
Buruli ulcer is a disease of skin and soft tissue with the potential to leave sufferers scarred and disabled. It is caused by an environmental pathogen, Mycobacterium
ulcerans, that produces a destructive toxin. The exact mode of transmission is unclear. The main burden of disease falls on childre...n living in sub-Saharan Africa, but healthy people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic classes are susceptible.
Promoting health and preventing disease is a critical component of the effort required to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). to date, efforts to achieve UHC have focused mostly on strengthening health systems and their capacities to provide curative care. However, experience from the COVID-19 ...pandemic has reaffirmed the need for resilient health systems, emphasizing primary health care, including preventive and promotive health and well-being.
Emerging from the eye of the storm as the global health lead agency during the pandemic, WHO is equipped with the required insights and actions for a holistic approach to “building back fairer and better” after COVID-19.
The Healthier Populations (UHP) Cluster in the African Region is designed to support Pillar 3 of WHO’s 13th Global Programme of Work (GPW13) which aims to make 1 billion people healthier by reducing health inequities, preventing diseases and injuries, addressing health determinants, and promoting partnerships for collaborative actions amongst all stakeholders.
Rabies is a vaccine-preventable, zoonotic, viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Once clinical symptoms appear, rabies is virtually 100% fatal. In up to 99% of cases, domestic dogs are responsible for rabies virus transmission to humans. Yet, rabies can affect both domestic and wild an...imals. It spreads to people and animals via saliva, usually through bites, scratches or direct contact with mucosa (e.g. eyes, mouth or open wounds). Children between the age of 5 and 14 years are frequent victims.
Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) affect 1.45 billion people worldwide, and high intensity infections are associated with anemia, undernutrition and impaired cognition, particularly among children. Mathematical models suggest it may be possible to interrupt the transmission of STH in a community by e...xpanding mass drug administration (MDA) from targeted high-risk groups (primarily school-aged children and women of child-bearing age) to all community members with high coverage. The DeWorm3 Project will test the feasibility of this approach to interrupting the transmission of STH using a series of cluster randomized trials in Benin, India and Malawi. Each study area (population 80,000) will be divided into 40 clusters and randomized to community-wide or standard-of-care targeted MDA for three years. Two years following the final round of MDA, prevalence of STH will be compared between arms and transmission interruption assessed in each cluster. The DeWorm3 trials will provide stakeholders with information regarding the potential to switch from STH control to a more ambitious and sustainable strategy.