The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) has compiled a selection of web pages and information sheets
on mental health and coping with the effects of COVID-19. These resources are a selection from key organizations
in the field. We will continue to update this list as new resources become ava...ilable.
At this time, information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving as new details are confirmed and new questions emerge. In the
event of an outbreak in your community, as a parent/caregiver, your first concern is about how to protect and take care of
your children and family. Knowing important informat...ion about the outbreak and learning how to be prepared can reduce your
stress and help calm likely anxieties. This resource will help you think about how an infectious disease outbreak might affect
your family—both physically and emotionally—and what you can do to help your family cope.
Zarazne bolesti kao što je virus COVID-19 mogu poremetiti okruženje u kojem djeca rastu i razvijaju se. Remećenje u odnosu sa porodicom, prijateljima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima i široj zajednici može imati negativne posljedice na dobrobit, razvoj i zaštitu djece. Pored toga, mjere koje se pri...mjenjuju kako bi se spriječilo i suzbilo širenje virusa COVID-19 mogu djecu izložiti rizicima u pogledu njihove zaštite. Karantin i mjere izolacije u kućama, objektima i određenim zonama mogu imati negativan utjecaj na djecu i njihove porodice.
Cilj ovog dokumenta je da pruži podršku stručnjacima koji rade na polju zaštite djece kako bi na bolji način odgovorili na rizike za zaštitu djece za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19. U prvom dijelu govori se o tome kakav rizik virus COVID-19 može predstavljati za djecu u smislu njihove zaštite. U drugom dijelu izložene su programske opcije u skladu s Minimalnim standardima za zaštitu djece u humanitarnim akcijama iz 2019. godine (CPMS) i Smjernicama: Zaštita djece za vrijeme epidemija zaraznih bolesti.
The Rehabilitation self-management leaflet provides basic exercises and advice for adults who have been severely unwell and admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. The leaflet assist in self-rehabilitation and recovery management, addressing specifically the common residual COVID-19 symptoms, specif...ically breathlessness, starting exercise, getting back to functional activities, mental health and post intubation symptoms such as voice weakness, eating, drinking and attention and memory deficits.
Available in different languages
Общие цели
1. Распространить информацию о ходе подготовки, в том числе о потенциале в области реагирования и планах и процедурах реагирования в целях выявления за...озных случаев COVID-19 в вашей стране и принятия ответных мер.
2. Определить сферы взаимозависимости субъектов сектора здравоохранения и других секторов.
3. Провести анализ недостатков с опорой на предложенные ВОЗ сравнительные показатели оперативной готовности к COVID-19.
4. Разработать план действий по повышению уровня готовности на основании сравнительных показателей ВОЗ.
Проект от 3 февраля 2020 г.
Эпидемиологические данные свидетельствуют о том, что 2019-нКоВ может передаваться от человека к человеку. Во время предшествующих вспышек, ...вызванных коронавирусами, в том числе коронавирусом ближневосточного респираторного синдрома (БВРС-КоВ) и коронавиру- сом тяжелого острого респираторного синдрома (ТОРС-КоВ), передача от человека к человеку чаще всего происходила капельным путем, при личном контакте и через зараженные предме- ты. Способы передачи 2019-нКоВ, по всей вероятности, те же.
This checklist has been developed to support hospital preparedness for the management of COVID-19 patients.
Elements to be assessed have been divided into the following areas:
Establishment of a core team and key internal and external contact points
Human, material and facility capacit...y
Communication and data protection
Hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and waste management
Triage, first contact and prioritisation
Patient placement, moving of the patients in the facility, and visitor access
Environmental cleaning
For each area mentioned above, the elements or processes were identified and the items to be checked are listed below.
A procedure for the self-auditing of compliance with this checklist should be considered.
Daily interactive Dashboard
All countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region are expected to report on these indicators for the year 2020.
Interim guidance2 November 2020
This interim guidance, originally entitled “Harmonized health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”, is an update to the earlier version published on 31 May 2020 as “Harmonized modules for health ... facility assessment modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”. In this update, module content has been further refined and developed
A partir de que el SARS-CoV-2 se detectó en China en diciembre de 2019, la COVID-19 se ha convertido rápidamente
en una pandemia. Los pacientes con COVID-19 presentan síntomas respiratorios inespecíficos de intensidad variable y
en ocasiones se les debe prestar ventilación asistida avanzada. ...Actualmente, el diagnóstico de COVID-19 se confirma
mediante la realización de pruebas analíticas, a saber, la determinación de ARN vírico a través de la reacción en
cadena de la polimerasa con retrotranscriptasa (RT PCR).
Временное руководство в.2 26 января 2020 г. WHO/2019-nCoV/RCCE/v2020.2
В настоящем документе представлены контрольные перечни, разработанные ВОЗ для обеспечения готовности и пр...нятия первоначальных мер реагирования в области информирования о рисках и взаимодействия с местными сообществами (ИРВС) в связи со вспышкой инфекции, вызванной новым коронавирусом 2019 г. (2019-nCoV), недавно выявленным в г. Ухань провинции Хубэй в Китае (2019-nCoV). Задача данного документа – предоставить странам практически выполнимое руководство по реализации эффективных стратегий ИРВС, которые помогут обеспечить защиту здоровья населения на раннем этапе реагирования на вспышку инфекции, вызванной nCoV.
This algorithm shows the main actions for contacts of probable or confirmed 2019-nCoV cases. Implementation may be modified depending on the risk assessment for individual cases and their contacts by public health authorities.
This strategic document is relevant to the diverse contexts that exist across the WHO European Region, and to countries implementing a wide range of national and subnational responses. The strategy is flexible and adaptable to national and subnational contexts and guides countries in rapidly bringin...g COVID-19 cases under control, and in preparing for a phased transition from a widespread transmission to a steady state of low-level or no transmission.