Manual for Training in Cancer Control
Translation of the 1st ed., 2003
These guidelines were written for anyone trying to meet and solve the challenges of operating a warehouse today. They are an important reference tool for managers and staff, whether they are constructing a new warehouse, implementing a new warehouse syste...m, or redesigning their current system.
Guidelines for Warehousing Health Commodities is for use by supply chain managers, logistics advisors, and warehouse managers who want to improve and increase efficiency in their current health commodity warehouse.
To date, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji and American Samoa have reported measles cases. The outbreaks in Samoa and Tonga are caused by the D8 strain (genotype) of measles virus. Measles vaccine coverage varies in Pacific island countries and areas, ranging from 31% in Samoa to 99% in the Cook Islands, Nauru and... Niue.
Standard Treatment Guideline
A policy brief on child marriage in Zambia. Child marriage is a human rights violation, and endangers young people' personal development and well-being; thus reducing opportunities to realize their full potential. Protecting girls from child marriage is a national priority and key towards sustainabl...e development.
A long and healthy life for all South Africans
Mood disorders
Chapter E.1
2015 edition
Psiquiatría Infantil y Pediatría
Capítulo I.1
Editores: Azucena Díez-Suárez y Matías Irarrázaval
Traductores: Cecilia Hernández González, Ana Mena Morales, Ana Alvarado Dafonte