This course is intended to provide basic information for front-line health workers to be able to implement the recommended control measures to minimize the negative impact of Buruli ulcer on populations.
Discover approaches and advances in our fight against the malaria mosquito using Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM).
On this three-week course, you’ll examine the rise of insecticide resistant mosquitoes and the resultant need for a new approach in the world’s fight against malaria transmi...ttance.
WFSA’s YouTube channel contains over 60 films in English, French and Spanish, with a range of anaesthesia related videos for information, education, training and campaigning purposes.
Across the world more than 420 million people are living with diabetes. Two thirds of these have not yet been diagnosed. When discovered late or managed incorrectly, diabetes can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, leading to disability and premature death. In fact, more peo...ple are dying of diabetes related diseases than of diseases as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.
This free online course on Climate Change Negotiations and Health features key information on climate change and its impacts on human health, provides an overview of the international climate change negotiations so far, and considers entry points to address health issues and priorities within climat...e change negotiations and policies.
The course provides clear, concise, and up-to-date information for anybody interested in addressing the health risks arising from climate change. The course is self-paced and includes a series of self-standing interactive lessons with different activities, exercises, case studies and videos, as well as links to other useful resources. Upon successful completion of the course, participants can receive a certificate of completion.
Overview: In this course, you will learn about the causes of unsafe injection practices, how to safely give injections, and how to safely dispose of needles and other sharps. You will also learn what to do when needle-stick injuries occur, how to manage potential exposures, and ways to protect yours...elf, the staff and patients in your facility, and your community.
Course duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Большинство инфекций, угрожающих здоровью, можно предотвратить благодаря хорошей гигиене рук - мытью рук в нужное время и правильным способом. Руководящие принцип...ы ВОЗ по гигиене рук в здравоохранении поддерживают пропаганду и улучшение гигиены рук в медицинских учреждениях во всем мире и дополняются мультимодальной стратегией ВОЗ по улучшению гигиены рук, руководством по внедрению и практическим пособием, содержащим множество практических инструментов готовых к использованию. Этот модуль был подготовлен для того, чтобы помочь обобщить руководство ВОЗ по гигиене рук, применяя соответствующие инструменты и идеи для его эффективной реализации.
Ce cours est à destination des cliniciens qui travaillent dans des unités de soins intensifs (ICU) dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu et la prise en charge des patients adultes et pédiatriques atteints de formes d'infection respiratoire aiguë sévère (SARI), notamment la pneumonie sévère..., le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA), la septicémie et le choc septique. Ce cours est un guide pratique à l'usage des professionnels de la santé impliqués dans la gestion des soins intensifs lors de flambées d'infection humaine par le virus de la grippe (saisonnière) due à la grippe aviaire (H5N1, H7N9), le MERS-CoV, le nCoV ou d'autres épidémies virales respiratoires émergentes.
It is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries and managing adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection (SARI), including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis and septic... shock. It is a hands-on practical guide to be used by health care professionals involved in clinical care management during outbreaks of influenza virus (seasonal) human infection due avian influenza virus (H5N1, H7N9), MERS-CoV, COVID-19 or other emerging respiratory viral epidemics.
This course is also available in the following languages:
français - русский - Português - Bahasa Indonesia - Tiếng Việt - Español - македонски - العربية - Tetun
This course provides a general introduction to Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) and basic hygiene measures to protect against infection. By the end of the course, you should be able to describe basic information about ARIs including what they are, how they are transmitted, how to assess the risk ...of infection and list basic hygiene measures to protect against infection.
In order to assist UN country teams in scaling up country preparedness and response to COVID-19, WHO has developed these learning modules as a companion to the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.
This course in available in Engish, Russian and Arabic
The t...raining is intended:
For UN country teams (UNCTs)
For other relevant stakeholders, including partners, donors and civil society
To support national readiness and preparedness for COVID-19
To help countries increase their capacity to respond to COVID-19
To increase international coordination for response and preparedness
To streamline the process of coordinating resources and assessing country preparedness level
This learning package consists of 3 modules with videos and downloadable presentations.
Dieser E-Learning-Kurs verschafft Ihnen durch informative Texte, anschauliche Fallbeispiele und nützliche Links einen umfassenden Überblick zur Diabetes-Situation weltweit. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem globalen Süden. Praktische Hilfestellungen für Ihre Arbeit runden das Angebot ab. Für ...die Bearbeitung der gesamten E-Learning Einheit benötigen Sie etwa zweieinhalb Stunden.
Modul A: Überblick zur aktuellen Situation; Folgen für Länder des globalen Südens (Daür: ca. 15 Min.);
Modul B: Medizinische Grundlagen; Ursachen und Komplikationen; Zusammenhänge mit nfektionskrankheiten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul C: Grundlagen von Diagnose, Behandlung und Schulung; Präventionsmaßnahmen; Probleme beim Zugang zu Medikamenten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul D: Nutzen und Schaden gängiger Antidiabetika, rationale Auswahl von Medikamenten (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul E: Globale Verbreitung von Diabetes; Länderstudien; politischen Gegenmaßnahmen und WHO-Pläne (Daür: ca. 30 Min.); Modul F: Praktische Hilfestellungen für die Arbeit (Daür: ca. 15 Min.)
La fièvre de Lassa est une fièvre hémorragique virale aiguë d'une durée d'une à quatre semaines qui sévit en Afrique occidentale. La fièvre de Lassa, une fièvre hémorragique virale avec des symptômes similaires à ceux de la maladie virale d'Ebola, est endémique dans une grande partie de... l'Afrique de l'Ouest et provoque généralement une poussée saisonnière de
Platform: OpenWHO
The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. A complete listing of courses is below. Individual courses are also part of certificate programs, listed to the left, as well as on the Certificate Program page. Courses tha...t have been translated and can be found on the Translation page.
The SAFE Paediatric Anaesthesia course is an 'off the shelf package' supported by a facilitator manual, teaching materials and standard operating procedures. It is hoped that the course is clinically relevant and will improve the practice of anaesthesia for children to a safe standard.
ecancer, Cardiff University and the African Palliative Care Association have developed an online course in palliative care contextualised for African healthcare professionals. The course has been created through the IAEA Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy, Virtual University of Cancer Control a...nd is available for free through ecancer as well as the VUCCnet online.
Filming and development of the modules took place in the UK and South Africa and involved input from 37 of Africa’s leading palliative care experts as well as Cardiff University’s team. Dr Fiona Rawlinson, who is a consultant in palliative medicine at the Princess of Wales Hospital, UK and the leader of Cardiff University’s team, worked closely with the African Palliative Care Association to ensure the content of the course was appropriate for the sub-Saharan cancer profile and resource setting
Free Online WiRED Educational Course