This operational guidance on MHPSS provides a practical orientation and tools for UNHCR country operations. It covers specific points of good practice to consider when developing MHPSS programming and offers advice on priority issues and practical difficulties, while also providing some background i...nformation and definitions. Since MHPSS is a cross cutting concept this operational guidance is relevant for programming in various sectors, including health, community based protection, education, shelter, nutrition, food security and livelihoods.
The focus of this operational guidance is on refugees and asylum seekers, but it may apply to other persons of concern within UNHCR operations such as stateless persons, internally displaced persons and returnees. The guidance is meant for operations in both camp and non-camp settings, and in both rural and urban settings in low and middle-income countries with a UNHCR presence.
The guidance should be adapted according to different contexts. A standardized format for programme implementation cannot be offered because this depends to a large extent on existing national capacities and local opportunities.
March 28, 2017
PLoS Med 14(3): e1002274.
This handbook presents basic content and tips for implementing a school-based risk reduction programme. It is organised into five modules: its importance; approach and process; activities to benefit children up to five years old; activities for students aged 5–17; and activities for young people a...nd volunteers aged 17–24.
A generic framework for school-based risk reduction initiatives is illustrated in a diagram on p.10. The Comprehensive School Safety framework suggests a series of continuing activities that include: identifying the hazards in and around a school; conducting drills; preparing contingency and disaster management plans by involving parents, teachers and students; and building on the capacities of an institution and individuals to cope with the challenges during an unforeseen event. It also consists of three pillars: safe learning facilities; school disaster management; and risk reduction and resilience education.
This book contains the findings of technical reviews of eight transitional shelter designs. It is divided into sections:
- Section A discusses transitional shelter design briefs, includes a programming checklist and explains how the shelters in this book were reviewed.
- Section B contains... summary findings of the technical reviews for the eight shelters.
- Section C contains design details for foundations, walls and roofs.
- Annexes contain details of materials, a template design brief, conversion tables, a glossary, and references.
Provincial profiles
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guidance for health managers, health workers, and activists
Au cours des dix années à venir, la Fédération internationale œu
vrera, collectivement, à la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques
1. Sauver des vies, protéger les moyens d’existence et renforcer
le relèvement après les catastrophes et les crises
2. Promouvoir des modes vie sains et sûrs
3. Promouvoir l’intégration sociale et une culture de non-violenceet de paix.
The publication is designed to provide Ipas staff, trainers, partners and other health-care providers with access to up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations. In general, the recommendations are the same as those in the World Health Organization’s 2012 Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidanc...e for Health Systems, Second edition. In rare cases, the recommendations have been modified due to the settings where Ipas works. In addition, if there is more current evidence to inform the recommendations, they will be updated here.
This Toolkit is intended to guide humanitarian programme managers and healthcare providers to ensure that sexual and reproductive health interventions put into place both during and after a crisis are responsive to the unique needs of adolescents.
This manual aims to provide practical guidance to field workers in order to maximise the nutritional impact of food security & livelihoods (FSL) interventions. This requires the systematic use of a ‘nutrition lens’ at each step of the project cycle and a close collaboration between sectors.
The purpose of Volume 2 is to provide a full set of reference data showing performance over the period of the previous National Health Plan 2001–2010, to provide a baseline against which performance over the next ten years can be measured, and to highlight in greater detail some of the contex...t against which the policies and strategies described in Volume 1 can be understood.
This Part A of Volume 2 provides data and context from a whole-of-country perspective. The data will be useful for provinces and national-level program staff within the National Department of Health to establish benchmarks and targets in the Five-year Strategic Implementation Plans to be developed to support implementation of this Plan. Additionally, this Volume will serve as a reference manual for all health sector stakeholders.
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Information on 102 commonly used medicinal plants in the South Pacific WHO regional publications. Western Pacific series ; Plants from this part of the world represent an especially diverse flora and include several species currently undergoing scientific investigation. Common traditional uses the treatment of minor injuries, childhood ailments, and complications of pregnancy. Plants described in the book are also used as emetics and as ointments and dressings applied to surface wounds or used to treat skin problems.
Addressed to ethnobotanists, phytochemists, and pharmacologists, the book aims to document traditional clinical uses and bring these to the attention of the international scientific community, while also preserving knowledge about the distinctive indigenous practices in these island communities. Full-colour photographs are included to facilitate identification of plants and plant parts used for medicinal purposes. Each plant is described according to a common format, which includes information on scientific name, local names, English name, a description of the plant and its habitat and distribution, and a summary of what is known about its chemical constituents, biological activity, and traditional uses.