No publication year indicated
The cost of newborn and child health interventions were estimated considering several different angles. At the first attempt, the cost of implementing all newborn and child health interventions packaged as antenatal, Intra natal, Essential newborn care, Care of sic...k newborn, Care of premature & LBW, Nutrition, Immunization, Care of sick infants and newborns, ECCD and WASH was estimated. This estimate reflects the cost of entire newborn and child care program thrust in the country. Costs of different intervention sub packages were also determined.
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)
This “living paper” contributes to the global knowledge on how countries are responding to the pandemic by documenting real-time actions in a key area of response – that is, social protection measures planned or implemented by governments.
The health of the people and health services are in crisis, and together as partners this plan commits us to strategies aimed at achieving our goal of:
Strengthened primary health care for all, and improved service delivery for the rural majority and the urban disadvantaged.
Original fi...le: 67 MB
Este documento apresenta um marco conceitual renovado das funções essenciais de saúde pública (FESP) para a Região das Américas, com o qual se pretende dar maior clareza conceitual e operacionalidade ao novo campo de atuação da saúde pública e preencher uma lacuna nas propostas conceituais... sobre o fortalecimento dos sistemas de saúde. O marco proposto apresenta um novo paradigma para a saúde pública, baseado em quatro pilares orientados para a ação: a necessidade de incorporar a abordagem dos direitos humanos às políticas públicas de saúde; a necessidade de a saúde pública ampliar seu enfoque para ter uma abordagem mais ampla dos determinantes sociais da saúde; o papel da saúde pública para garantir de forma integral e integrada o acesso a intervenções de base populacional e atenção individual de qualidade; e a necessidade de as autoridades de saúde atuarem em colaboração com outros setores e com a sociedade civil no desempenho das funções de saúde pública.
2006-2008 programme report
UNAIDS is calling on governments to ensure that the right to health is realized by all by prioritizing public investments in health. At least half of the world’s population cannot access essential health services. Every two minutes a woman dies while giving birth. Among the people being left behin...d are women, adolescents, people living with HIV, gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, people who inject drugs, transgender people, migrants, refugees and poor people.
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
First report of a demonstration project