This document focus on the direct consequences of the virus (morbidity and mortality) in specific populations and on the results of measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, with indirect impacts on socio-economic conditions. In this complex scenario, the gender approach has not received... due attention during the pandemic. Gender is one of the structural determinants of health, but it does not appear in analyses of the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic, despite being essential in the recognition and analysis of the differential impacts on men and women and their interaction with the different determinants of health.
Uso de antimicrobianos en animales de consumo incidencia del desarrollo de resistencias en salúd pública
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 in intensive care units
Public Health Risk Analysis and Surveillance
Public Health Surveillance Protocol Tuberculosis
Guideline for the handling and the disposal of the remains of people who died of COVID-19
CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Manejo Clínico en Pediatría
Guía de prácticas esenciales. Segunda edición