La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria con compromiso focal o difuso del miocardio, que se presenta de forma fulminante, pudiendo ser aguda, subaguda o crónica.Las que poseen un nivel de gravedad suficiente para reconocerlas clínicamente, son raras, pero la prevalencia de los casos leves y ...asintomáticos probablemente sea más elevada.
Curr Opin Pharmacol . 2022 Apr;63:102203.doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2022.102203. Epub 2022 Feb 11.
The COVID-19 pandemic has widespread economic and social effects on Latin America (LA) and the Caribbean (CA). This region, which has a high prevalence of chronic diseases, has been one of the most affected... during the pandemic. Multiple symptoms and comorbidities are related to distinct COVID-19 outcomes. However, there has been no explanation as to why different patients present with different arrays of clinical presentations. Studies report that similar to comorbidities, each country in LA and the CA has its own particular health issues.
Este informe presenta los resultados obtenidos de la evaluación de la efectividad de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 en Chile utilizando la red de vigilancia centinela de infecciones respiratorias agudas graves (IRAG). Los resultados que se presentan en este informe provienen de los datos proporcion...ados por esta red para el periodo de enero a diciembre de 2021.
Campaña Nacional de Vacunación contra la COVID-19
Declarations of interests were collected from all external contributors and assessed for any conflicts of interest. Summaries of the reported interests can be found on the SAGE meeting website and SAGE Covid-19 Working Group webpage. This guidance should be considered along with the broader COVID-...19 policy advice to WHO member states and in particular the advice on how to reach the COVID-19 vaccination targets.
As vacinas COVID-19 devem ser armazenadas, transportadas e manuseadas em condições adequadas. Isso
inclui a manutenção das condições da cadeia de frio de acordo com a recomendação da lista de uso de
emergência (EUL) e conforme especificado no folheto do produto1. Cada vez que uma vacina... é exposta a
condições inadequadas, como superexposição ao calor, ao frio ou à luz, sua potência é reduzida. Essa perda
é cumulativa e irreversível. Uma vez perdida, a potência da vacina não pode ser restaurada. O monitor do
frasco da vacina ou VVM é um indicador confiável que registra se a exposição cumulativa ao calor atingiu
um ponto em que a vacina não possa mais ser usada
In dieser Fokuserhebung wurde die deutschsprachige Erhebung durch Interviews in weiteren fünf Sprachen ergänzt. Damit wurden in dieser Erhebung auch Personengruppen erreicht, die in vorherigen Erhebungen aufgrund einer Sprachbarriere nicht erreicht werden konnten. Insgesamt liefert diese Befragung... daher Ergebnisse, die die Bevölkerung in Deutschland besser abbilden können.
Second Edition
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics services
July 2015
World J Meta-Anal. Aug 26, 2017; 5(4): 103-123
Published online Aug 26, 2017. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v5.i4.103
The GHS Index is intended to be a key resource in the face of increasing risks of high-consequence and globally catastrophic biological events and in light of major gaps in international financing for preparedness. These risks are magnified by a rapidly changing and interconnected world; increasing ...political instability; urbanization; climate change; and rapid technology advances that make it easier, cheaper, and faster to create and engineer pathogens.
Key findings from the study of 195 countries:
• Out of a possible 100 points, the average GHS Index score across 195 countries was 40.2.
• The majority of high- and middle-income countries do not score above 50.
• Action is urgently needed to improve countries’ readiness for high-consequence infectious disease outbreaks.