Une étude de terrain internationale réalisée par des théologiens et des experts de santé africains et allemands
Chapter 8, Prison and Health, published
Externalising disorders
Chapter D.2
Global Health. 2011 Apr 18;7:8. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-7-8
Results: Currently, ‘new’health challenges and educational needs as a result of the globalisation process are discussed and linked to the evolving term‘global health’. The lack of a common definition of this termcomplicates attempts... to analyse global health in the field of education. The proposed GHE framework addresses these problems and presents a set of key characteristics of education in this field. The framework builds on the models of‘social determinants of health’and‘globalisation and health’and is oriented towards‘health for all’and‘health equity’. It provides an action-oriented construct for a bottom-up engagement with global health by the health workforce. Ten indicators are deduced for use in monitoring and evaluation.
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196380 May 15, 2018
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018 www.jaids.com
World's largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher
Chapter 7 from the book People's Movements in the 21st Century - Risks, Challenges and Benefits
Glob Ment Health (Camb). 2015; 2: e12. Published online 2015 Jul 14. doi: 10.1017/gmh.2015.10
Low and middle income countries (LMICs) are facing an increase of the impact of mental health problems while confronted with limited resources and limited access to mental health care, known as the ‘me...ntal health gap’. One strategy to reduce the mental health gap would be to utilize the internet to provide more widely-distributed and low cost mental health care. We undertook this systematic review to investigate the effectiveness and efficacy of online interventions in LMICs.
PLoS Pathogens | www.plospathogens.org 1
February 2012 | Volume 8 | Issue 2 | e100246
Principes directeurs à l’intention des programmes nationaux et autres partenaires
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar – wird dieses Gebot auch bei der gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Geflüchteten eingehalten? Die gesundheitliche Versorgung von Asylsuchenden in Deutschland ist geregelt durch das bundesdeutsche Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (AsylbLG). Die Bundesregierung sieht... allein die Länder in der Verantwortung für die Umsetzung des AsylbLG. Dabei kommt sie bei der Frage der Gesundheitsversorgung von Asylsuchenden jedoch ihren eigenen Hausaufgaben nicht nach: Seit 2015 ist in Deutschland zwingend die EU-Aufnahmerichtlinie von 2013 umzusetzen. Jedoch sind im AsylbLG weder die Leistungsansprüche besonders schutzbedürftiger Asylsuchender nach Definition der EU-Aufnahmerichtlinie geregelt, noch gibt es Hinweise zum Umgang mit erkrankten besonders schutzbedürftigen Asylsuchenden, die leistungsrechtlichen Sanktionen unterliegen. Das Policy Paper gibt einen Überblick über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf nationaler und supranationaler Ebene und leitet unter Einbeziehung von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsbefunden Handlungsempfehlungen ab.
Wet markets have been implicated in multiple zoonotic outbreaks, including COVID-19. They are also a conduit for legal and illegal trade in wildlife, which threatens thousands of species. Yet wet markets supply food to millions of people around the world, and differ drastically in their physical com...position, the goods they sell, and the subsequent risks they pose. As such, policy makers need to know how to target their actions to efficiently safeguard human health and biodiversity without depriving people of ready access to food.
Emerging evidence and experience to inform risk management in a warming world
Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: 469–77
BACKGROUND: Growing political attention to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) offers a rare opportunity for achieving meaningful action. Many governments have developed national AMR action plans, but most have not yet implemented policy interventions to reduce antimicrobial overuse. A systematic evidenc...e map can support governments in making evidence-informed decisions about implementing programs to reduce AMR, by identifying, describing, and assessing the full range of evaluated government policy options to reduce antimicrobial use in humans.
METHODS AND FINDINGS: Seven databases were searched from inception to January 28, 2019, (MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PAIS Index, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, and PubMed). We identified studies that (1) clearly described a government policy intervention aimed at reducing human antimicrobial use, and (2) applied a quantitative design to measure the impact. We found 69 unique evaluations of government policy interventions carried out across 4 of the 6 WHO regions. These evaluations included randomized controlled trials (n = 4), non-randomized controlled trials (n = 3), controlled before-and-after designs (n = 7), interrupted time series designs (n = 25), uncontrolled before-and-after designs (n = 18), descriptive designs (n = 10), and cohort designs (n = 2). From these we identified 17 unique policy options for governments to reduce the human use of antimicrobials. Many studies evaluated public awareness campaigns (n = 17) and antimicrobial guidelines (n = 13); however, others offered different policy options such as professional regulation, restricted reimbursement, pay for performance, and prescription requirements. Identifying these policies can inform the development of future policies and evaluations in different contexts and health systems. Limitations of our study include the possible omission of unpublished initiatives, and that policies not evaluated with respect to antimicrobial use have not been captured in this review.
CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to provide policy makers with synthesized evidence on specific government policy interventions addressing AMR. In the future, governments should ensure that AMR policy interventions are evaluated using rigorous study designs and that study results are published.