Брошюра состоит из двух частей. В первой приводятся практические примеры, иллюстрирующие все составляющие ухода за пациентами, во второй части представлены данны... и комментарии о последних исследованиях и разработках.
Целью этого отчета является пролить свет на некоторые ключевые вопросы системы здравоохранения Туркменистана и выразить нашу озабоченность по поводу той роли, ко...торую играют международные действующи.
Данный отчет кратко описывает, что было сделано до настоя-щего момента в Каракалпакстане, включая разработку проекта и медицинские результаты. На основании этого ...пыта, в отчете делаются определенные выводы на будущее. В частности, ре-комендуется подход к лечению туберкулезных больных, кото-рый был бы более сконцентрирован на пациенте.
7-й симпозиум по вопросам лечения туберкулеза — Министерство здравоохранения Кыргызской Республики и «Врачи без границ» / Médecins Sans Frontières
Презентация о туберкулезе и диабете
8й региональный симпозиум по вопросам лечения туберкулеза
-Ташкент, Узбекистан
модель ко инфекции вич/тбташкентский городской центр по борьбе со спид
Infection prevention and control (IPC) in a CTC/ CTU IPC are all practical measures taken in the healthcare facility to prevent harm caused by infections to patients, health workers and communities.
The main goal of IPC in the cholera response is to
• To reduce transmission of health care-as...sociated infections of cholera and any other infectious disease
• To enhance the safety of staff, patients and visitors
• To enhance the ability of the organization/health care facility to respond to an outbreak
• To reduce the risk of the hospital (health care facility) itself amplifying the outbreak
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
WASH are all measures taken to guarantee environmental hygiene, safe water of all used within the health facility. It encompasses water, sanitation, waste management, cleaning within the health facility which in this case is CTU/C. A complete WASH package in the CTU/CTC reduces the risk of spread of Vibrio cholerae inside and outside the CTC/CTU.
The probability of spreading or acquiring cholera through a CTC/CTU can be highly reduced when proper IPC and WASH measures are respected, followed and monitored. These measures are, in principle, valid in CTC/CTUs and ORPs, although they need to be adapted to the specific characteristics of the facility concerned.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is a painful disease that exerts a serious toll on societies around the world that are afflicted by it. Although not life-threatening, the skin ulcers and scars it causes can lead to isolation and psychosocial pathologies due to social stigma, and its occurrence is often... associated with regional conflicts. The Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Research Meeting was held on December 7, 2020, with participation by basic researchers, clinical researchers, and drug discovery experts involved in research and development related to CL under the auspices of the Joint Usage/Research Center on Tropical Disease, Institute of Tropical Medicine. In addition, the CL Webinar was held on March 5, 2021, hosted by the Graduate School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, co-hosted by the Institute of Tropical Medicine, and supported by Médecins Sans Frontières and DNDi.
Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20(Suppl 4):21644
National AIDS Programme in Myanmar has made significant progress in scaling up antiretroviral treatment (ART) services and recognizes the importance of differentiated care for people living with HIV. Indeed, long centred around t...he hospital and reliant on physicians, the country's HIV response is undergoing a process of successful decentralization with HIV care increasingly being integrated into other health services as part of a systematic effort to expand access to HIV treatment. This study describes implementation of differentiated care in Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)‐supported programmes and reports its outcomes.
This Spotlight presents an in-depth analysis including opinions, facts and figures, and key resources. It features commentary by Sylvie Briand of the WHO, Rosamund Southgate of Médecins Sans Frontières and Annie Wilkinson of the Institute of Development Studies.
It includes first-hand accounts b...y researchers with experience in the field, and interviews with social science expert Melissa Leach and communications managers at Médecins Sans Frontières-UK and BBC Media Action.
Technical Update
Areas of Africa endemic for Buruli ulcer (BU), caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, also have a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with adult prevalence rates between 1% and 5% (Maps). However, there is limited information on the prevalence of BU–HIV coinfection.... Preliminary
evidence suggests that HIV infection may increase the risk of BU disease (1–3). In the Médecins Sans Frontières project in Akonolinga, Cameroon, HIV prevalence was approximately 3–6 times higher among BU patients than the regional estimated HIV prevalence (2). Similarly in Benin and Ghana, BU
patients were 8 times and 3 times respectively more likely to have HIV infection than those without BU (1, 3). Further study is needed to clarify this association and enhance knowledge about the prevalence ofBU–HIV coinfection in endemic areas.
This 3rd edition of Guidelines for medicine donations has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with major international agencies active in humanitarian relief and development assistance. The guidelines are intended to improve the quality of medicine donations in inter...national development assistance and emergency aid. Good medicine donation practice is of interest to both donors and recipients...
Interagency Guidelines - This revised Interagency List of Essential Medicines for Reproductive Health presents
the current international consensus on rational selection of essential reproductive health medicines. The list is intended to support decisions regarding the production, quality assurance..., national procurement and reimbursement schemes of these medicines.
2nd edition - Published in 2003, the first WHO/HAI medicine prices manual Medicine Prices – A
New Approach to Measurement Draft for field-testing provides a draft methodology and tools to conduct national medicine prices and availability surveys. This second edition of the survey manual has been... updated to reflect the wealth of practical
experience in conducting medicine prices and availability surveys garnered in the project’s first two phases.
The growing challenges for people in low and middle-income countries to access new medicines.
Analysis 58
Prices people pay for medicines.
Including Therapeutic Food, Dietary Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation - 2nd edition
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in the treatment and care of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). This report examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to NCD medicines, and the policies and strategies implemented by countries and health sys...tems to anticipate and mitigate stresses across NCD medicine supply chains. The full range of upstream and downstream impacts are investigated, including: manufacturing; procurement, importation and last mile delivery; patient-level effects through affordability and availability; and the effects on NCD medicine availability by category of disease. The report culminates in recommended actions and interventions for key stakeholders in the NCD pharmaceutical supply chain, including governments, regulatory authorities, manufacturers and the private sector; as well as directions for future research for improving access and supply chain access resilience.
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in the treatment and care of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). This report examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to NCD medicines, and the policies and strategies implemented by countries and health sys...tems to anticipate and mitigate stresses across NCD medicine supply chains. The full range of upstream and downstream impacts are investigated, including: manufacturing; procurement, importation and last mile delivery; patient-level effects through affordability and availability; and the effects on NCD medicine availability by category of disease. The report culminates in recommended actions and interventions for key stakeholders in the NCD pharmaceutical supply chain, including governments, regulatory authorities, manufacturers and the private sector; as well as directions for future research for improving access and supply chain access resilience.