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Por favor descargue los 12 módulos todos
Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Therapie nichttuberkulöser Mykobakteriosen des Deutschen Zentralkomitees zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose (DZK) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP).
Schönfeld N et al. Recommendations of the German Central Committee… Pneumolo...gie 2016; 70: 250–276
Aлгоритм лабораторной диагностики и мониторинга лечения туберкулеза легких и туберкулеза с лекарственной устойчивостью на основе применения современных быстрых... молекулярных методов.
Экспертное заключение членов основной группы Европейской лабораторной инициативы, подготовленное для Европейского региона ВОЗ.
The guide is suitable and can be used for the following audiences:
1. nurses and other trained healthcare workers who can use this manual as a self-study tool and then incorporate its guidance into their practice;
2. governmental and non-governmental employers of lay and professional TB treatment ...adherence workers, who can provide training and guidance to their staff using the guidance in this manual;
3. TB clinicians, programme managers, policy makers and other leaders, to make them aware of the full range of interventions required by a person on TB treatment to complete his or her treatment and thus understand the gap that often exists in the support provided to patients;
4. people who, with enhanced capacity and support, can act as peer counsellors and supporters for people affected by TB. This can include family members who, in most contexts, play an important role in offering support to people with TB.
Primera Edición
Serie: Documentos Técnico normativos