Настоящее руководство «Клиническое ведение случаев COVID-19» базируется на
вышеуказанных стратегических приоритетах и адресовано клиницистам, участвующим в
оказа...ии помощи пациентам с подозреваемой или подтвержденной инфекцией COVID-19.
Оно не предназначено для того, чтобы заменить индивидуальное клиническое суждение или
консультацию специалиста, но призвано помочь клиническим работникам в обеспечении
наиболее эффективного ведения случаев. Повышенное внимание в настоящем руководстве
уделяется вопросам, касающимся особых и уязвимых групп населения, таких как дети,
пожилые люди и беременные женщины.
Interim guidance on clinical management COVID-19
Developed by the HHS Panel on Treatment of Pregnant Women with HIV Infection and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission—
A Working Group of the Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council (OARAC)
Accessed: 12.02.2020
Rapport spécial du GIEC sur le changement climatique,
la désertification, la dégradation des sols, la gestion durable
des terres, la sécurité alimentaire et les flux de gaz à effet de
serre dans les écosystèmes terrestres
Informe especial del IPCC sobre el cambio climático, la
desertificación, la degradación de las tierras, la gestión
sostenible de las tierras, la seguridad alimentaria y los flujos de
gases de efecto invernadero en los ecosistemas terrestres
Relatório especial do IPCC sobre mudança do clima,
desertificação, degradação da terra, manejo sustentável da
terra, segurança alimentar, e fluxos de gases de efeito estufa
em ecossistemas terrestres
The 2019 edition treating data for 2018 marks sustained international efforts dedicated to reporting on, analysing and understanding the year-to-year variations and long-term trends of a changing climate.
Much remains unknown about displaced communities in out-of-camp areas as identification constraints hinder knowledge on the overall situation and preeminent needs of an area. When compared to regularly monitored in-camp populations, less is known about the health, sanitation, livelihoods, food secur...ity, nutritional status, protection situation, and school attainment of out-of-camp populations.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Learn how the decision making process must ensure that appropriate structures and supports are in place to maximize the nursing effort resulting in the best possible care and positive outcomes for the patients/clients, nursing personnel, and the organization.
This guide is intended for people involved in the management and operation of small- to mediumsized organized water supply systems. The content has been developed with particular consideration for operational-level personnel with responsibility for chlorination (for example, water treatment plant op...erators and technicians). The material presented within this guide may also be relevant for engineers and representatives from public health, local government, non-governmental organizations, as well as any other individuals supporting water safety planning activities for the supply of safe drinking-water.
Part 1. Chlorination principles: Describes key chlorination concepts, providing a knowledge foundation for the implementation of effective chlorination practices.
Part 2. Chlorination practices: Describes the practical application of the concepts presented in Part 1, including calculations and procedures for safe and effective chlorination of drinking-water supplies.
The guide is presented in two parts:
Part 1. Principles of Operational Monitoring: Describes the key principles of operational monitoring, alongside the types of operational monitoring that may be performed and the information required within an OMP.
Part 2. Operational Monitorin...g Plan Development: Describes the stepwise development of an OMP for a water supply system, including the source, water treatment, intermediate storage, distribution and household. For illustration purposes, practical guidance is provided using a specimen water supply system considered to be representative of a conventional small- to medium-sized supply in a lower resource setting. This template may be used to develop system-specific OMPs for individual water supply systems.
Psiquiatría infantil
Capítulo B.2
Public Health Action PHA 2017; 7(2): 110–115
Рекомендации ВОЗ по оказанию дородовой помощи для формирования положительного опыта беременности
The publication is designed to provide Ipas staff, trainers, partners and other health-care providers with access to up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations. In general, the recommendations are the same as those in the World Health Organization’s 2012 Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidanc...e for Health Systems, Second edition. In rare cases, the recommendations have been modified due to the settings where Ipas works. In addition, if there is more current evidence to inform the recommendations, they will be updated here.
A handbook for leaders and managers