The second ECDC/EFSA/EMA joint report on the integrated analysis of antimicrobial consumption (AMC) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria from humans and food-producing animals addressed data obtained by the Agencies’ EU-wide surveillance networks for 2013–2015. AMC in both sectors, exp...ressed in mg/kg of estimated biomass, were compared at country and European level. Substantial variations between countries were observed in both sectors. Estimated data on AMC for pigs and poultry were used for the first time. Univariate and multivariate analyses were applied to study associations between AMC and AMR. In 2014, the average AMC was higher in animals (152 mg/kg) than in humans (124 mg/kg), but the opposite applied to the median AMC (67 and 118 mg/kg, respectively). In 18 of 28 countries, AMC was lower in animals than in humans. Univariate analysis showed statistically-significant (p < 0.05) associations between AMC and AMR for fluoroquinolones and Escherichia coli in both sectors, for 3rd- and 4th-generation cephalosporins and E. coli in humans, and tetracyclines and polymyxins and E. coli in animals. In humans, there was a statistically-significant association between AMC and AMR for carbapenems and polymyxins in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Consumption of macrolides in animals was significantly associated with macrolide resistance in Campylobacter coli in animals and humans. Multivariate analyses provided a unique approach to assess the contributions of AMC in humans and animals and AMR in bacteria from animals to AMR in bacteria from humans. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that 3rd- and 4th-generation cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone resistance in E. coli from humans was associated with corresponding AMC in humans, whereas resistance to fluoroquinolones in Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. from humans was related to consumption of fluoroquinolones in animals. These results suggest that from a ‘One-health’ perspective, there is potential in both sectors to further develop prudent use of antimicrobials and thereby reduce AMR.
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
Si usted se ha sentido así durante por lo menos seis meses y estos sentimientos le hacen difícil hacer las tareas cotidianas, como hablar con otros en el trabajo o en la escuela, es posible que usted tenga un trastorno de ansiedad social.
A WHO guide to inform & harmonize national & international pandemic preparedness and response
The main updates from the 2013 interim guidance are:
Alignment with other relevant United Nations policies for crisis and emergency management, and
Inclusion of the significant development in re...cent years of the strategies for pandemic vaccine response during the start of a pandemic.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian
A tool for measuring alcohol policy implementation
Повышение цены на алкоголь является одной из наиболее эффективных мер политики по сокращению общего потребления алкоголя в стране и, следовательно, по снижению ур...овня связанного с алкоголем вреда. Налогообложение - это распространенный способ контроля за ценами на алкогольные напитки, а при корректировке в соответствии с инфляцией это может быть эффективной мерой как для снижения вреда, так и для повышения поступлений в государственный бюджет. В данном отчете описывается политика налогообложения алкоголя в Кыргызстане в период с 2006 по 2016 год, а также ее влияние на поступления в бюджет и вред, связанный с алкоголем. Реализация решительных политических мер в период 2012-2014 годов позволила снизить доступность
алкоголя и привела к сокращению оборота и потребления алкоголя, а также вреда, связанного с алкоголем. Хотя налоговая политика в Кыргызстане, повидимому, оказала положительное влияние, увеличение налогов должно сопровождаться действиями Правительства по контролю за производством, продажей и потреблением незаконного алкоголя.
In 2015, 5.9 million children under age five died (1). The major causes of child deaths globally are pneumonia, prematurity, intrapartum-related complications, neonatal sepsis, congenital anomalies, diarrhoea, injuries and malaria (2). Most of these diseases and conditions are at least partially cau...sed by the environment. It was estimated in 2012 that 26% of childhood deaths and 25% of the total disease burden in children under five could be prevented through the reduction of environmental risks such as air pollution, unsafe water, sanitation and inadequate hygiene or chemicals.
Updated Packaging and Reconstitution Guidance for Therapeutic Milk. French Version
Perspectives sur les drogues
Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infection is the gateway for access to both prevention and treatment services, and is a crucial component of an effective response to the hepatitis epidemic. Early identification of persons with chronic HBV or HCV infection enables them to the necessary care and treatment to prevent or delay progression of liver disease. Testing also provides an opportunity to link people to interventions to reduce transmission, through counselling on risk behaviours and provision of prevention commodities (such as sterile needles and syringes) and hepatitis B vaccination.
Sexual violence is a major problem in South Africa, with studies showing that up to one in four women have been raped in their lifetime.
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;35(3):179–85
Armed conflict continues to tear apart communities across the world. From Boko Haram’s abducted ‘brides’ and Islamic State’s ‘Caliphate Cubs’, to the countless others exploited by armed groups in Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Afghanistan, many taking part in the world’s... wars are still children.