Antimicrobial Resistance Division, Ministry of Health, National Action Plans and Monitoring and Evaluation
The necessity to support displaced persons (IDPs) and to provide social assistance and pension payments has put the welfare system in Ukraine under extreme stress. The invasion has resulted in massive employment losses. According to ILO, around 44 percent of jobs may be lost , while according to the... national statistics the wage income comprised 60 percent of total disposable income.
В системі соціального захисту України спостерігається складна ситуація, яка пов’язана із необхідністю надати допомоги внутрішньо переміщеним особам (ВПО) та одн...часно забезпечувати виплату інших видів соціальної допомоги та пенсій. Повномасштабне вторгнення в країну призвело до масової втрати робочих місць. За даними Міжнародної організації праці, близько 44 відсотків робочих місць можуть бути втрачені, в той час як, згідно із статистичними даними, дохід від заробітної плати в країні становить 60 відсотків від доходу домогосподарств.
Accessed on 10.09.2022
Para evaluar la situación basal de los PROA en Chile, el grupo iniciativa del Milenio para la Investigación Colaborativa en Resistencia Bacteriana (MICROB-R), realizó una encuesta que en colaboración con el Ministerio de Salud debía ser respondida por los hospitales p...blicos y privados de mediana y alta complejidad, durante el año 2021. Cabe señalar que debido a la contingencia de la pandemia por COVID-19, la llegada de la información y el monitoreo adecuado de las respuesta a la encuesta
por parte de las SEREMIs y Servicios de Salud se hizo muy dificultosa, lográndose que sólo un 56% de los hospitales respondieran la encuesta.
El presente informe da cuenta de los resultados obtenidos en la encuesta realizada.
An overview of validation structures and responsibilities at national, regional and global levels.
This governance document supplements the global guidance document. Validation of elimination requires rigorous assessment at the national, regional and global levels of the impact and process and the fulfilment of the four foundational requirements for (1) data quality, (2) strong programmes, (3) laboratory quality and (4) human rights, gender equality and community engagement.
Assessment in English on South Sudan about Education, Food and Nutrition, Drought, Epidemic and more; published on 22 Jul 2022 by IOM
In September 2021, the UN and its partners presented a response plan to mitigate the impact of the water crisis in northern and north-east Syria which requested US$200 million to assist up to 3.4 million of the over five million people estimated to be affected by the water crisis in northern Syria b...etween September 2021 and February 2022. Under the auspices of the 2022-2023 Syria Humanitarian Response Plan, this updated water response plan presents the most recent needs based on latest forecasts and is a continuation of the earlier plan presented in 2021. It covers the needs from all response modalities/areas1 for Syria, aims to assist 5 million people until December 2022 and requests $226.2 million.
Poster for communities and health worker
Government of Nepal has an obligation to ensure availability of affordable and high quality basic health care services to its population
Rational of the Standard Treatment Protocol (STP)
The aim of this course is to improve the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other reproductive tract infections (RTIs) in settings serving pregnant women and their families.
Chagas disease is a tropical parasitic infection transmitted by crawling, blood-sucking insects (kissing bugs). You may have flu-like symptoms or none at all. But the disease can lead to life-threatening complications. With prompt treatment, most people with Chagas disease, also known as American tr...ypanosomiasis, recover fully.
Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoal organism primarily transmitted by triatomine insect vectors, also known as “kissing bugs.” It is a zoonotic disease originally described by Brazilian physician Dr. Carlos Chagas in 1909 and is widespread in Latin America. Although triato...mines and T. cruzi have long been endemic to the southern United States, awareness and identification of infected vectors and animals have recently increased throughout the United States. Canine Chagas disease can be acute or chronic and is predominantly characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the heart, resulting in arrhythmias, myocardial dysfunction, heart failure, and sudden death, although many infected dogs are asymptomatic.
Information on Chikungunya Fever
Bug bites are irritating, and some can be harmful. Learn to identify the type of bug bite and when to seek emergency medical care.
Goal and objectives of the guideline
The goal of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations to countries in their efforts to accomplish schistosomiasis morbidity control and elimination as a public health problem, and to move towards interruption of transmission.
The recommendatio...ns contained herein will help countries to implement national schistosomiasis control and elimination programmes and support efforts to verify the interruption of transmission.
The specific objectives are to provide guidance on:
prevalence thresholds, target age groups and frequency of preventive chemotherapy for schistosomiasis;
establishment of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and snail control activities to support control and elimination of schistosomiasis;
use of diagnostic tests in humans in low transmission areas and for moving to, and evaluating the interruption of transmission of schistosomiasis;
tools for the assessment of Schistosoma spp. infection in snail hosts; and
diagnostic tests for the assessment of schistosomiasis infection in animal reservoirs of infection
High prevalence of target diseases in rural and developing nations, increased prevalence of malnutrition across the globe, lack of hygiene and poor sanitation facilities, Migratory patterns of population, introduction of new chemical entity in the field of therapeutics, favorable government regulati...ons, and increased R&D investments are key factors contributing to high CAGR of point of care diagnostics market during the forecast period.
The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has caused a deterioration in the level of access to health-care services and medicines in the country, particularly for people living in regions close to the front line and areas that are not partially or fully controlled by the Government of Ukraine, and for peop...le who have been internally displaced. Cost and time constraints involved in getting to and from health facilities, as well as limited transportation options were the main barriers to accessing essential health-care services. At the same time, the findings show that the country’s health system remains resilient and that overall access to health services is fairly high.This report is based on data collected through a quantitative cross-sectional survey of self-reported health needs of the general population in Ukraine. It presents results of the first round survey conducted in September 2022 and could help to address the specific health-care needs of the population groups concerned.
The goal of the study was to assess the feasibility of the COVID-19 measures and their resultant impact on Persons with Disabilities in Malawi.
Specifically, the study addressed the following objectives:
a) To evaluate Government’s response to COVID-19 following the adoption of the new measures... of COVID-19 in January 2021 in line with principles and norms of human rights. (This includes establishing the extent to which the new measures have been implemented)
b) To assess the extent to which the provision health service delivery specifically access to health for PWDs including vaccine inflammation and facilities.
c) To establish the key COVID-19 related human rights violations during the pandemic period affecting PWDs
d) To assess the extent to which Government (and other nonstate actors) have implemented the recommendations from the preliminary MHRC statement
e) To provide advice and make recommendations to the Executive, Parliament and other stakeholders on how they can improve their response to COVID-19 from a rights perspective with a focus on PWDs.
The Event-based Surveillance Framework is intended to be used by authorities and agencies responsible for
surveillance and response. This framework serves as an outline to guide stakeholders interested in implementing
event-based surveillance (EBS) using a multisectoral, One Health approach. To ...that end, the document is arranged
in interlinked chapters and annexes that can be modified and adapted, as needed, by users.
This is a revised version of the original “Framework for Event-based Surveillance” that was published in 2018. This
framework does not replace any other available EBS materials, but rather builds on existing relevant or related
documents and serves as a practical guide for the implementation of EBS in Africa. This framework is aligned with
the third edition of the WHO Joint External Evaluation for the following indicators: strengthened early warning
surveillance systems that are able to detect events of significance for public health and health security (Indicator
D2.1); improved communication and collaboration across sectors and between National, intermediate and local
public health response levels of authority regarding surveillance of events of public health significance (Indicator
D2.2); and improved national and intermediate-level capacity to analyse data (Indicator D2.3). As countries begin
to implement and demonstrate EBS functionality they will ensure an increase in JEE scores and progress towards
meeting the requirements outlined in the IHR3F
Additionally, in African Union Member States that have adopted the Integrated Disease Surveillance and
Response (IDSR) strategy, this document is a complement to and can enhance the implementation of IDSR,
especially for the 3rd edition (2019) that includes components related to EBS.