Project Paper to provide an additional grant for: Human Development Systems Strengthening Project (HDSSP)(P145965, H9360)
A handbook for leaders and managers
The main objective of these guidelines is to provide guidance on up-to-date, uniform, evidence-informed practices for suspecting, diagnosing and managing various forms of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) at all levels of healthcare delivery. They can then contribute to the National Programme to i...mprove detection, care and outcomes in EPTB; to help the programme with initiation of treatment, adherence and completion whilst minimizing drug toxicity and overtreatment; and contribute to practices that minimize the development of drug resistance.
This document contains: The systematic reviews and GRADE assessments used at the Index-TB Guideline Panel in July 2015; The Evidence to Decision tables that record the Panel’s assessment and recommendations from
this meeting
This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights
(SRHR). ...Its goal is to strengthen these partnerships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches to engaging men and boys.
Das »Incoming« von ausländischen Freiwilligen nach Deutschland ist entwicklungspolitisch absolut sinnvoll und von hoher Priorität, da es jungen Menschen aus dem globalen Süden die Möglichkeit gibt, zeitlich befristet an dem seit 50 Jahren eingespielten Lern- und Orientie-rungsangebot der Zivil...gesellschaft in Deutschland teilzunehmen. Die IncomerInnen selbst und nach ihrer Rückkehr auch ihre Heimatgesellschaften profitieren von der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, von den Erfahrungen in einer gemeinwohlorientierten Tätigkeit und von den – vor allem in den Seminaren aufbereiteten – Eindrücken eines Lebens in einem sozialen und freiheitlichen Rechtsstaat.
Environmental Research Volume 151, November 2016, Pages 115-123
Dengue is the world’s most important arboviral disease in terms of number of people affected. Over the past 50 years, incidence increased 30-fold: there were approximately 390 million infections in 2010. Globalization, trade, travel,... demographic trends, and warming temperatures are associated with the recent spread of the primary vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and of dengue. Overall, models project that new geographic areas along the fringe of current geographic ranges for Aedes will become environmentally suitable for the mosquito’s lifecycle, and for dengue transmission. Many endemic countries where dengue is likely to spread further have underdeveloped health systems, increasing the substantial challenges of disease prevention and control. Control focuses on management of Aedes, although these efforts have typically had limited effectiveness in preventing outbreaks. New prevention and control efforts are needed to counter the potential consequences of climate change on the geographic range and incidence of dengue, including novel methods of vector control and dengue vaccines.
This volume presents the complex patterns of cancer incidence and death around the world and evidence on effective and cost-effective ways to control cancers. The Disease Control Priorities Volume 3 evaluation of cancer will indicate where cancer treatment is ineffective and wasteful, and offer alte...rnative cancer care packages that are cost-effective and suited to low-resource settings.
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition: Volume 3
The purpose of adding the books to the website of MCAI for download, is to make this life-saving, up-to-date information available to all who need it. Fill in a short registration field and you can download the pdf-files.
If you work in a hospital in a low income country - providing free care - y...ou are probably intitled to FREE copies of these books. MCAI will send them to you, all you have to do is to read our Flyer and fill in the request form.
This guide was prepared to enable advocates to use data
when advocating for universal access to SRHR at the national,
regional and global levels. It is a direct outcome of the Strategic
SRHR Indicators workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
21-22 August for the project “Strengthening the N...etworking,
Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an AsiaPacific
Network for SRHR” supported by the EU.
One of the major objectives of the project is to develop
a comprehensive monitoring framework of indicators for
measuring government performance to fulfil their international
commitments, particularly to the ICPD and the MDGs, both in
the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
Economic Issues, Policies and Option for Action
PLOS ONE 10(12): e0144040. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144040
Technical Report
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics service
July 2015
Technical Report
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics service
July 2015
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133869 July 28, 2015, p.1-16