This report is produced by the UNDAC Team in Lima. It is developed in collaboration with the partners of the National Humanitarian Network (RHN). It covers the period from 27 to 30 March 2017. The next report will be issued around April 3, 2017
This handbook has been compiled as a source of ideas and experiences that can be used for CLTS orientation workshops, advocacy to stakeholders, training facilitators and natural leaders and implementing CLTS activities. It is a resource book especially for field staff, facilitators and trainers for ...planning, implementation and follow-up for CLTS.
Structural, Non-structural and Functional Indicators
The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
Review Article
Granich et al. Int J Virol AIDS 2018, 5:043 DOI: 10.23937/2469-567X/1510043 Volume 5 | Issue 1
La présente étude avait pour objectif principal de documenter la culture de l’utilisation des MI. Plus particulièrement, elle a documenté la valeur accordée aux différents moyens préventifs, en particulier la MI, les perceptions de l’utilité, du coût d’opportunité de leur utilisation... ; les modalités et logiques de leur attribution au sein des ménages. Elle s’est aussi intéressée aux obstacles à l’utilisation régulière des MI de même que les facteurs favorisants ; les habitudes des familles relatives à leur entretien, réparation et les modalités de leur usage en rapport avec les habitudes de couchage.
The international community sits at the tipping pointof a post-‐antibiotic era, where common bacterial infections are no longer treatable with the antibiotic armamentarium that exists. In South Africa, t...he identification of the first case of pan-‐resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(Brink et al, J Clin Microbiol. 2013;51(1):369-‐72) marks a watershed moment and highlights ourtip of the antibiotic resistance ‘iceberg’ in this country. Multi-‐drug resistant (MDR)-‐bacterial infections, predominantly in Gram-‐negative bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosaand Acinetobacter baumanniiare now commonplace in South African hospitals. Whilst a number of expensive new antibiotics for Gram-‐positive bacterial infections have been manufactured recently (some of which are licenced for usein South Africa), no new antibiotics active against Gram-‐negative infections are expected in the next 10-‐15years. Hence what we have now, needs conserving
March – June 2020
This update: 3 April 2020
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, this guidance provides information on infection and prevention control (IPC) for older people, their friends and families, carers, and healthcare providers. Anyone who manages, works, volunteers or provides care at any type of facilities where older people care at (long-term care facilities, non-acute care facilities, and home care services), should practice strict IPC to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks. It has been observed in different countries that older people have higher case-fatality rate compared to other age groups. Therefore, it is especially important to implement and follow IPC measures at facilities, homes, and other venues that older people frequent.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These consolidated guidelines provide recommendations for comprehensive prevention and case management strategies in Kenya
Scope of the Guidelines: Infection prevention and control Patient triage Emergency Medical Services Case management Laboratory testing algorithm
Target... Audience: Health care workers taking care of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
These guidelines combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in Kenyan context. The protocol borrows various international recommendations including the World Health Organization, from experience of other countries such as China that has struggled with the outbreak for a longer time and from principles of virology and infectious disease management.