Clinical Presentation and Management for Haiti Cholera Outbreak, 2010
This leaflet aims at guiding health workers though the very first days of an outbreak. It addresses the following questions:
Is this the beginning of an outbreak?
Is the patient suffering from cholera or shigella?
The leaflet also has sections on how to protect the community, how to t...reat patients and what to do if an outbreak is suspected.
Where Women Have No Doctor > Chapter 24: Cancer and Growths > Problems of the Breasts
Communication to Healthcare Professionals Mar-2020
This guideline is intended to assist healthcare professionals in the participation of very important process of continuous surveillance of safety and efficacy of the health products which are used in their clinical practice. Continuous evaluation o...f medicines’ benefit and harm help to achieve the ultimate goal of safe and effective treatments available to patients.
The guideline is intended to assist healthcare professionals in the reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with the use of all registered health products, including medicines, old medicines, medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs).
J Hosp Infect. 2020 Apr 8. pii: S0195-6701(20)30176-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.04.001. [Epub ahead of print]
Clúster de Educación
30 de marzo de 2020
Deployment of Residents in Various Facilities Designated for Screening and Management of Patients with COVID-19 and the non covid area of the hospital (in this SOP, the term “resident” includes DNB and CPS students)
Zarazne bolesti kao što je virus COVID-19 mogu poremetiti okruženje u kojem djeca rastu i razvijaju se. Remećenje u odnosu sa porodicom, prijateljima, svakodnevnim aktivnostima i široj zajednici može imati negativne posljedice na dobrobit, razvoj i zaštitu djece. Pored toga, mjere koje se pri...mjenjuju kako bi se spriječilo i suzbilo širenje virusa COVID-19 mogu djecu izložiti rizicima u pogledu njihove zaštite. Karantin i mjere izolacije u kućama, objektima i određenim zonama mogu imati negativan utjecaj na djecu i njihove porodice.
Cilj ovog dokumenta je da pruži podršku stručnjacima koji rade na polju zaštite djece kako bi na bolji način odgovorili na rizike za zaštitu djece za vrijeme pandemije virusa COVID-19. U prvom dijelu govori se o tome kakav rizik virus COVID-19 može predstavljati za djecu u smislu njihove zaštite. U drugom dijelu izložene su programske opcije u skladu s Minimalnim standardima za zaštitu djece u humanitarnim akcijama iz 2019. godine (CPMS) i Smjernicama: Zaštita djece za vrijeme epidemija zaraznih bolesti.
A partir de que el SARS-CoV-2 se detectó en China en diciembre de 2019, la COVID-19 se ha convertido rápidamente
en una pandemia. Los pacientes con COVID-19 presentan síntomas respiratorios inespecíficos de intensidad variable y
en ocasiones se les debe prestar ventilación asistida avanzada. ...Actualmente, el diagnóstico de COVID-19 se confirma
mediante la realización de pruebas analíticas, a saber, la determinación de ARN vírico a través de la reacción en
cadena de la polimerasa con retrotranscriptasa (RT PCR).
Guide de recommandations rapides 11 juin 2020
Depuis son identification en Chine en décembre 2019, le nouveau coronavirus responsable de la COVID‐19 s’est rapidement propagé pour causer une pandémie. Cette maladie se manifeste par des symptômes respiratoires non spécifiques de gravité var...iable et peut nécessiter une assistance respiratoire importante. Son diagnostic est actuellement confirmé grâce l’identification de l’ARN du virus grâce à un test de laboratoire utilisant la technique de la transcription inverse-amplification génique (en anglais, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, soit RT-PCR.
This article is part four in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution.
Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs.
Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
Part three focused on the from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
This document outlines the different types of vaccines.
Available in English, French, Spanisch, Arabic, Chinese and Russian
(actualizado en 17 de julio del 2020
Esta ficha contiene indicadores y estándares mínimos necesarios para la respuesta a la emergencia en los siguientes temas: cantidad de agua, acceso al agua, calidad del agua, saneamiento, higiene, residuos sólidos, limpieza y desinfección, así como dosifica...ciones para la preparación de soluciones desinfectantes utilizando hipoclorito de sodio.
This Poster is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Hausa and Arabic