1. Provide treatment for mental disorders in primary care
2. Ensure wider accessibility to essential psychotropic drugs
3. Provide care in the community
4. Educate the public
5. Involve communities, families and consumers
6. Establish national policies, programmes and legislation on mental heal...th
7. Develop human resources
8. Link with other sectors
9. Monitor community mental health
10. Support relevant research.
New assessment guidelines for measuring the overall impact of mental health problems in Latin America have served as a catalyst for countries to review their mental health policies. Latin American countries have taken various steps to address long-standing problems such as structural difficulties, s...carce financial and human resources, and social, political, and cultural obstacles in the implementation of mental health policies and legislation. These policy developments, however, have had uneven results. Policies must reflect the desire, determination, and commitment of policy-makers to take mental health seriously and look after people’s mental health needs. This paper describes the development of mental health policies in Latin American countries, focusing on published data in peer-reviewed journals, and legislative change and its implementation. It presents a brief history of mental health policy developments, and analyzes the basis and practicalities of current practice.
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.4
The purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Treatment of Patients with Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care is to provide professionals with practical recommendations based on scientific evidence to assist in the detection and effective treatment of these disorders
The first chapter provides an overview of gender and domestic violence in the HIV and AIDS discourse and their interconnect-
edness. It analyses literature regarding gender and HIV transmission, domestic violence, and HIV and AIDS. It then discusses how gender roles impact the effects of AIDS.
The... second chapter outlines implications of these findings for policy and practice. This section provides a definition for mainstreaming and deals with various aspects of mainstreaming HIV, AIDS and gender.
DIAGNOSING PTSD IN CHILDHOOD | The following literature review addresses the developmental and domain-specific consequences of previous and current diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in pre-adolescent children. PTSD was introduced in 1980 to capture extreme responses follow...ing a traumatic event. I analyze the evolution of the disorder’s diagnostic criteria toward a more developmentally conscious structure. I also examine instances in which these criteria lack developmental consistency: (1) preschool PTSD is the only diagnostic subtype despite the fact that childhood development also differentiates traumatic expressions in older children from adolescents and adults; and (2) many of the PTSD epidemiological data that have been reanalyzed under the most recent (DSM-5) typology only refer to adolescent and adult samples although many researchers have
demonstrated that developmental alterations to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR criteria produce significantly higher prevalence rates in children.
This document aims to define a practical plan of action for the IFRC Secretariat to effectively integrate child protection, as a minimum standard, within its organizational systems and development, protracted crisis and emergency operations. The timeline for the action plan is 2015 to the end of 202...0.
Good practices from South & South-East Asia in disability inclusive disaster risk management