The Cartagena Declaration on Refugees was adopted by the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama on November 22, 1984. The declaration is a non-binding agreement but has been incorporated in refugee law in various countries. The Cartagena Declarat...ion on Refugees bases its principles on the “commitments with regards to refugees” defined in the Contadora Act on Peace and Cooperation (which are based on the 1951 UN Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol).
It includes a range of detailed commitments to peace, democratization, regional security and economic co-operation. It also provided for regional committees to evaluate and verify compliance with these commitments.
This document contains the Spanish, French and English versions of the original text.
A set of basic guidelines on how to be accountable to local people and measure program impact in emergency situations. The "good enough" approach emphasizes simple and practical solutions and encourages the user to choose tools that are safe, quick, and easy to implement
to identify measure and decide how to meet the humanitarian needs of disaster-affected community
Links to the Humanitarian Charter and international law
Combined questionnaire Core
The Feedback Starter-Kit responds to key questions ( ) and provides the most important tips ( ) for setting up and running a simple feedback mechanism. At the end of this document there is an overview of the templates needed to plan the mechanism and collect, answer, analyse and share community feed...back data. These templates contain the necessary basic elements to implement and run a feedback mechanism.
Much remains unknown about displaced communities in out-of-camp areas as identification constraints hinder knowledge on the overall situation and preeminent needs of an area. When compared to regularly monitored in-camp populations, less is known about the health, sanitation, livelihoods, food secur...ity, nutritional status, protection situation, and school attainment of out-of-camp populations.
Version 2 (unedited). The Basic Needs Analysis (BNA) is a multi-sector needs analysis approach that can be applied in both sudden onset and protracted emergencies. The methodology comprises the Guidance (this document) presenting the conceptual BNA framework and related processes, and a Toolbox, includes tools, templates, training materials, and examples drawn from its first pilot, in Borno State(Nigeria).
The BNA is conceived to go hand in hand with the Facilitator’s Guide for the Response Options Analysis and Planning (a separate document), as it is part of a broader response planning process (see The BNA within the ). It shall be carried out with other assessments on the operational environment and would not add any value if undertaken in isolation.
The Facilitator’s Guide for the basic-needs based Response Options Analysis and Planning (ROAP) is a step-by-step guide comprising tools and templates to carry out a multi-sectoral response analysis and planning of response options, in a sudden-onset or chronic crisis.
Being that so, the Guide i...s conceived to be applied hand in hand with the BNA Guidance and Toolbox, and other assessments methodologies. It is expected to assist in analysing data from different sources - including humanitarian staff’ own
knowledge and experience on the sector, cash, protection matters - to come up with response decisions
The purpose of this Emergency Response Framework (ERF) is to clarify WHO’s roles and responsibilities in this regard and to provide a common approach for its work in emergencies. Ultimately, the ERF requires WHO to act with urgency and predictability to best serve and be accountable to populations... affected by emergencies.
The purpose of this field guide is to provide field staff with simple direction for the planning, design and conducting of participatory assessment. The document provides basic tips to help teams to better structure the identification of data sources, conducting focus groups, reporting of outcomes a...nd disseminating outcomes
The Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) is a software application for use on desktop or laptop computers and mobile devices (minimum screen size of 7.9 inches recommended). It was developed to facilitate the assessment of within-country health inequalities. The Built-in Database Edition, Version... 1.0 is available as an online application and as a standalone version for download
An introduction to Coordinated Needs Assessment in 6 parts:
Part 1: Key concepts
Part 2: Link to Decision-making
Part 3: The Framework
Part 4: The Good Enough Principle
Part 5: The assessment cycle
Part 6: Basic Principles
The NACS User’s Guide is a series of modules that provide program managers and implementers with a package of essential information and resources. These modules are living documents and will be updated as appropriate when new evidence, guidelines, or field experience emerges. Additional modules ar...e slated to be released on such topics as nutrition support, monitoring and reporting, tools, and service implementation. Readers are invited to submit comments and suggestions for improving or updating the guidance.
This guide provides standards and directions on how to carry out rapid needs assessment for Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Violence Prevention (VP) initiatives including child protection and sexual and gender-based violence. In particular, this rapid assessment tool is designed to help gather data i...n an efficient and effective way to help inform integration of PSS and VP issues, as minimum standards, into the broader disaster management action plans in response to an emergency.