This five-day child protection case management training manual was developed to meet the needs of community child protection workers and other social workers working in tandem with the justice, health and law enforcement systems in Malawi.
The booklet includes a number of child protection case management forms to be used in tandem with the Training Manual and Framework.
This framework has been developed with the aim of providing standard procedures, assessment and planning tools, and guidance in the delivery of case management services. As Malawi moves forward to build a holistic child protection system, case management will serve as a core anchor and a mobilizing ...force for child protection.
This year’s report should dispel any lingering doubts that the world is moving backwards in its efforts to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. We are now only eight years away from 2030, but the distance to reach many of the SDG 2 targets is growing wider each year. Ther...e are indeed efforts to make progress towards SDG 2, yet they are proving insufficient in the face of a more challenging and uncertain context. The intensification of the major drivers behind recent food insecurity and malnutrition trends (i.e. conflict, climate extremes and economic shocks) combined with the high cost of nutritious foods and growing inequalities will continue to challenge food security and nutrition. This will be the case until agrifood systems are transformed, become more resilient and are delivering lower cost nutritious foods and affordable healthy diets for all, sustainably and inclusively.
Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil y Paraguay
This resource on Monitoring and Evaluating Digital Health Interventions provides step-wise guidance to improve the quality and value of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts in the context of digital health interventions, also commonly referred to as mHealth or eHealth interventions. This Guide i...s intended for implementers and researchers of digital health activities, as well as policy-makers seeking to understand the various stages and opportunities for systematically monitoring implementation fidelity and for evaluating the impact of digital health interventions.
Standard Treatment Guidelines
Note: this list is provided as an indicative list only. It does not have legal status. Example list from Ethiopia
Pakistan: Situation Update
This report is produced by OCHA Pakistan in collaboration with humanitarian partners and Government as of 07 April 2020.
Issue #6| 23 March– 05 April 2020
Reporting Period: 4 to 10 April 2020
• In collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, UNICEF started training 50 young bloggers on how to identify and respond to fake news.
• UNICEF engaged with 97 social services to enable front-line social workers to carry out community prevention work and... case management.
• With support from UNICEF, the nationwide distance learning program, “Mon école à la maison” was officially launched on TV, Radio, WebTV in addition to the free of charge SMS-based learning system.
April 2020
This document explains the scope of the logistics services provided by the National Logistics Cluster, in support of the COVID-19 response in Nepal, how humanitarian actors and Nepal Government may access these services, and the conditions under which these services will be provided. T...he objective of the transport and storage services is to support humanitarian organisations and Government to establish a supply chain of medicines, medical goods and medical equipment mandated by the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) for Prevention of COVID-19transmission, control and treatment to the hospitals and primary healthcare facilities.
27 March 2020
Countrys: World and Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia
The restrictions on movement imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic constitute one of the largest single global challenges that the humanitarian community has ever encountered. Maintaining continuity and quality in the delivery of e...ssential assistance and services, including protection services, in the face of these restrictions requires operations to quickly innovate, leveraging fully the rich capacities and established networks within both communities of persons of concern, as well as host communities.