Context and impact of the crisis
A year after the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS),1 the ceasefire holds in most parts of the country. Armed conflict between State security forces and opposition armed groups has been contained to a sma...ll number of areas in the Equatorias where Government forces continue to clash with non-signatories to the agreement. Many areas are seeing intra- and inter-communal violence, enabled by small-arms proliferation and weak rule of law. This is often driven by resource scarcity in areas that have experienced years of severe food insecurity.
Regional indicators to measure progress towards zero discrimination
UNAIDS 2018 | Guidance
Ce document est consolidé par OCHA pour le compte de l’Équipe humanitaire pays et des partenaires humanitaires. Il présente une compréhension commune de la crise, notamment les besoins humanitaires les plus pressants et le nombre estimé de personnes ayant besoin d’assistance. Il constitue base factuelle aidant à informer la planification stratégique conjointe de la réponse.
Les désignations employées et la présentation des éléments dans le présent rapport ne signifient pas l’expression de quelque opinion que ce soit de la part du Secrétariat des Nations unies concernant le statut juridique d’un pays, d’un territoire, d’une ville ou d’une zone ou de leurs autorités ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou de ses limites.
La situation de la santé de reproduction continue de faire l’objet de grandes préoccupations à
l’échelle mondiale surtout dans les pays en développement. En Afrique, par exemple, 45%
des femmes pratiquant un avortement décèdent. De même, la fécondité en Afrique subsaharienne
demeure... encore élevée quoiqu’il ait été constaté depuis quelques années, une
tendance à la baisse. Elle est significative dans certains pays, moins prononcée dans d’autres.
في النزاعات المسلحة وغيرها من حالات العنفالتي تنفذها الجهات الفاعلة في مجالي العمل الإنساني وحقوق الإنسان
Menées par les organisations humanitaires et de défence des droits de l'homme lors de conflits armés et d'autres situations de violence
Key facts about major deadly diseases.This manual provides concise and up-to-date knowledge on 15 infectious diseases that have the potential to become international threats, and tips on how to respond to each of them.
You can download an interactive version directly at the website
Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2012
Reports from Kenya, Sierra Leone, China and Sri Lanka
This Joint Emergency Management Plan of the International Organizations (Joint Plan) describes the
interagency framework of preparedness for and response to an actual, potential or perceived nuclear or
radiological emergency independent of whether it arises from an acci...dent, natural disaster, negligence, nuclear
security event or any other cause.
In northern Myanmar, nearly 100,000 people continue to live in displacement camps in Kachin and northern Shan States. Most were first displaced by fighting between the Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army in 2011, and many have been displaced multiple times, including in recent months. ...Approaching seven years of displacement, and despite ongoing and often increasing needs, displaced persons in northern Myanmar face decreasing aid and protection services. Over the past two years, the Government of Myanmar has dramatically increased restrictions on delivery of aid to this displaced population at the same time that the overall amount of aid provided by international donors has decreased.
Survey report
Four health surveys were performed in Kutupalong Makeshift Settlment (KMS), Balukhali Makeshift Settlement (BMS), Kutupalong Makeshift Settlement Extension (KMS Extension) and Balukhali Makeshift Settlement Extension (BMS Extension). These sites were chosen to ensure that the health... status and conditions were measured in both the new settlements and the pre-existing settlements. The surveys measured current and retrospective mortality, the main morbidities affecting the population, global and severe acute malnutrition rates, vaccination coverage rates for key antigens and health-seeking behaviour. Simple random sampling was used with a recall period from 25th February 2017 until the date of interview (30th October to 12th November): approximately 260 days.
'Ethical Issues in Obstetrics and Gynecology' represents the results of carefully researched and considered discussion. The guidelines are intended to provide material for consideration and debate about ethical aspects of our discipline for member organisations and their constituent membership.