BMC Health Services Research (2017) 17:623 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2567-7
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
Capability and Performance
This revised trainer's guide contains a prototype training schedule for four days. Teaching and learning strategies are highly interactive, using participatory and experiential approach. Training outcomes include developing skills in assessment of clients for risk factors; conduct basic screening pr...ocedures and interpreting the results; holding health education sessions on risk factor modification; promoting healthy lifestyle; and mobilizing communities. The manual is divided into six modules.
Independent Monitoring Board of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (Twelfth Report: October 2015)
Section One
summarizes UNHCR’s mandate of international protecdtion and the aim and principles of emergency
Section Two
deals with emergency management;
Section Three
covers the vital sectors and problem areas in refugee emergencies, including health, food, sanitation
and water, a...s well as key field activities underpinning the operations such as logistics, community
services and registration. The chapters in this section start with a summary so that readers, who
might not need the full level of detail in each of these chapters, can understand the basic principles of
the subject quickly;
Section Four
gives guidance on the support to field operations, primarily administration and staffing;
The Appendices
include a “Toolbox” which gathers, in one location, the standards, indicators and useful references
used throughout the handbook;
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 4
Grounded in the foundations of child centered community development, the success of this strategy will be measured by how individual countries contribute to their child protection systems and partner at various levels to combat violence against children. This strategy is a result of a highly consult...ative process that reached children and youth, Plan International staff, external specialists globally and the paper has been put in place with the joint efforts of the global child protection programming reference group.
This report presents an overview of the transition process in Azerbaijan, some sustainability aspects and challenges stemming from donor withdrawal from TB-related activities, along with recommendations on how to overcome transition-related difficulties and ensure sustainability.
Republic of The Gambia; Accessed on 31.01.2019
Quality Standards for community health services Level 1