DHS Analytical Studies No. 40
- Resilient Markets
- Resilient Agriculture
- Resilient People
- Political Leadership for Resilient Growth
Au cours des dix années à venir, la Fédération internationale œu
vrera, collectivement, à la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques
1. Sauver des vies, protéger les moyens d’existence et renforcer
le relèvement après les catastrophes et les crises
2. Promouvoir des modes ...de vie sains et sûrs
3. Promouvoir l’intégration sociale et une culture de non-violenceet de paix.
Drugs and medical supplies are dispensed at the cutting edge level of the interface between the public health system and the people. Availability or lack of it brings either credit or discredit to the public health system. The primary reason for holding stocks of medicines and medical supplies in a ...proper scientific manner is to ensure continuous and uninterrupted availability to prevent stock-outs, especially of critical items of supply while at the same time ensuring that stocks of medicines do not get expired. An efficient inventory management is a pre-requisite for optimal stock management. It enables the management of health facilities to know the current pattern of consumption of drug trends over a period of time and also variances. The environmental control of the drugs and other medical supplies play an important role to keep the products' efficacy intact. Some medicines and vaccines need special storage temperature, otherwise, there may be wastage. The quality of the medicines can be adversely affected by poor storage, transportation and distribution. Thus, maintaining proper storage condition for health commodities is vital for ensuring their quality. So, by this training, CDMU wants to educate different people dealing with medicines and equip them for the roles they have to perform efficiently so that the wastage does not take place or can be minimized.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health > Chapter 19: Health Care Waste. Please download this chapter from the website of Hesperian
A formulary of dermatological preparations and background information on therapeutic choices, production and dispensing. 2nd edition
The Priority medicines for mothers and children 2011 list was updated following the 18th Expert Committee Meeting
on Selection and Use of Medicines, the release of new treatment guidelines and feedback from partners following
the 2011 version. In alignment with the UN Global strategy f...or women’s and children’s health; and the recently
launched UN Commission on life‐saving commodities for women and children, the title of this updated list is
renamed as Priority Life‐Saving Medicines for Women and Children.
Um Manual Programático
A publicação deste documento foi possível graças ao apoio da Comissão Europeia (auxílio Sante 2007141-838). O conteúdo deste documento é de responsabilidade única de A Union e não reflete a opinião da Comissão Europeia.
This guideline is intended to provide recommendations to applicants wishing to submit applications for the registration of medicines. It represents the Medicines Control Council’s current thinking on the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines.
Act 851 | AN ACT to revise and consolidate the law relating to public health to
prevent disease, promote, safeguard, maintain and protect the health
of humans and animals and to provide for related matters.
A book of methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level
An indispensable resource for health educators, this book provides hundreds of methods, aids, and learning strategies to make health education engaging and effective, encouraging community involvement through participatory edu...cation.
You can download chapter by chapter free of charge
The previous version (2005) is freely available here
Рекомендации с позиций общественного здравоохранения
Пересмотренное издание
Программа по ВИЧ/СПИДу
Oral Health and Dental Services
SADC Communicable Disease Project
Component 5: Scaling-up Child and Adolescent HIV, TB and Malaria Continuum of Care and Support