Guidelines for the Management and Therapy of Urinary Tract Infection and Male Genitalia in Indonesia
The aim is to provide early detection of potentially infected persons; to assist in implementing WHO recommendations related to Ebola management; and to prevent the international spread of the disease while allowing PoE authorities to avoid unnecessary restrictions and delays
During the past five decades, the incidence of dengue has increased 30-fold. Some 50–100 million new infections are estimated to occur annually in more than 100 endemic countries, with a documented further spread to previously unaffected areas; every year hundreds of thousands of severe cases, including 20 000 deaths; 264 disability-adjusted life years per million population per year are lost , at an estimated cost for ambulatory and hospitalized cases of US$ 514–1394, often affecting very poor populations. The true numbers are probably far worse, since severe underreporting and misclassification of dengue cases have been documented.
The document describes the use of strategic information at various stages of the response in the context of strengthening broader health information systems. Strategic information can be defined as data collected at all service delivery and administrative levels to inform policy and programme decisi...ons.
Second Edition
Monitoring and Evaluation
Impact Factor 5.7
June 2015
Featuring a series of articles on HIV and STI epidemiology, prevention and control among MSM in Europe