Q8.SCOPING QUESTION: In adults and older adolescents with depressive disorder, what is the comparative effectiveness of different formats of psychological treatments?
BMC Family Practice (2017) 18:56 DOI 10.1186/s12875-017-0628
Q7. SCOPING QUESTION: In adults with moderate-severe depressive disorder, what is the effectiveness and safety of antidepressant medication (ADM) in comparison with psychological treatment?
The WHO mhGAP programme’s existing guidelines recommend that either structured brief psychological treatm...ents (e.g., interpersonal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy, including behavioural activation) or antidepressant medication (e.g., SSRIsi and tricyclic antidepressants) be considered in adults with moderate-severe depression. Health care workers need to know whether these treatments have different effects, including side-effects, in treating depressive disorder in the short and long term, in order to improve clinical decision-making.
Module complémentaire des Dialogues communautaires, dans le cadre du processus Transformer les masculinités.
Élaboré pour l’intervention Transformer les masculinités/Masculinité, Famille et Foi, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) – Projet Passages
Demographic and Health Surveys, Working Paper
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Recomendaciones para un enfoque de salud pública
Washington, D.C., ÉUA, du 26 au 30 septembre 2016
Point 4.10 de l’ordre du jour provisoire
CD55/14 8 juillet 2016
Original : anglais
Analyse des politiques et des programmes : opportunités et défis pour l’UNFPAseptembre
Régions: Kedougou - Kolda - Sedhiou- Tamba
Campagne réalisée sur financement PMI/USAID
In Vietnam, most of the examination and treatment facilities are facing with of spread of bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. The level and speed of drug resistance are increasing, at alarming level. The burden of drug resistance is increasing due to the increasing cost of treatment, prolonged t...reatment,. That will affect patients’ health, community and social development. In the future, many
nations will be able to face the possibility of having no effective drugs to treat infectious diseases if they do not make appropriate interventions.
(7th Version)
20, March 2020
Lancet Respir Med 2020Published OnlineMarch 20, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30134-