Information on Chikungunya Fever
Video about Animated life cycle of T. cruzi in the human host.
FIND and Standard Diagnostics (SD) have developed a lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to screen for
T.b. gambiense HAT that is cheap and easy to use. The tests are packed individually and are stable at 40°C for
up to 25 months; they are performed on fresh blood obtained from a finger prick..., and no instrument or electricity is required. The RDT detects host antibodies to infection in populations that are at risk, or in suspect individuals. Positive cases are subjected to further confirmatory methods to identify HAT patients.
Sleeping sickness is a neglected tropical disease affecting rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. The reduction in the number of reported cases in recent years indicates that disease transmission is under control. However, many aspects of patient management still need to be improved. Undiagnosed ...patients or inappropriate treatment due to an incorrect determination of the disease stage could in fact lead to its re-emergence. There is thus a strong need for new diagnostic and staging tools to keep the disease under control and to improve the clinical care of patients. This review describes the most promising biomarkers proposed so far for the diagnosis and stage determination of patients suffering from sleeping sickness, with a particular emphasis on their translation into diagnostic tools for field applications.
Global efforts to eradicate dracunculiasis have continued to progress, with only 542 cases reported in 2012, as compared with 1058 in 2011. It is a long thread-like worm. It is transmitted exclusively when people drink water contaminated with parasite-infected water fl eas. It is now found in some o...f the most deprived regions of Africa.
In May the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA66.12 (1) on 17 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Among other measures, the resolution urges Member States to:
• ensure country ownership of prevention, control, elimination and eradication programmes;
• expand and implemen...t interventions and advocate for predictable, long-term international financing for activities related to control and capacity strengthening;
• integrate control programmes into primary health-care services and existing programmes;
• ensure optimal programme management and implementation;
• achieve and maintain universal access to interventions and reach the targets of the roadmap.
Mycetoma is a chronic infectious disease of the subcutaneous tissue with a high morbidity. This disease has been reported from countries between 30°N and 15°S since 1840 but the exact burden of disease is not known. It is currently unknown what the incidence, prevalence and the number of reported ...cases per year per country is. In order to estimate what the global burden of mycetoma is, a meta-analysis was performed. In total 50 studies were included, which resulted in a total of 8763 mycetoma cases. Most cases were found in men between 11 and 40 years of age. The foot was most commonly affected.
Snakebite envenoming constitutes a serious medical condition that primarily affects residents of rural communities in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and New Guinea. It is an occupational, environmental, and domestic health hazard that exacerbates the already impoverished state of these communities. Co...nservative estimates indicate that, worldwide, more than 5 million people suffer snakebite every year, leading to 25,000–125,000 deaths, while an estimated 400,000 people are left with permanent disabilities.
This report outlines the coordination and partnership between two key ministries (Education and Public Health) in Kenya, other line ministries, the private sector, NGOs and the community in implementing the first phase of a sub-national school-based deworming exercise. The areas targeted included Co...ast, Central, Western, Nyanza
and parts of Eastern provinces, covering over 45 districts in this first phase. The SBD programme is guided by the National School Health Policy and Guidelines launched in 2009.
Frequently Asked Questions on Visceral Leishmaniasis
Training in monitoring and epidemiological assessment of mass drug administration for eliminating lymphatic filariasis: learners’ guide. World Health Organization.
Formation sur le suivi et l’évaluation épidémiologique du traitement médicamenteux de masse pour l’élimination de la filariose lymphatique : guide des apprenants. Organisation mondiale de la Santé.
The previous report of the WHO Expert Committee on this disease
followed a meeting in 1995. Intensive, coordinated efforts against HAT during
the intervening 18 years have resulted in a decrease in incidence to a point at
which elimination is considered feasible. This report provides informati...on about
new diagnostic approaches, new therapeutic regimens and better understanding
of the distribution of the disease with high-quality mapping. The roles of human
and animal reservoirs and the tsetse fly vectors that transmit the parasites are
emphasized. The new information has formed the basis for an integrated strategy
with which it is hoped that elimination of HAT will be achieved. The report also
contains recommendations on the approaches that will lead to elimination of the
A step-by-step guide for teachers on how to conduct a school deworming day!
Health is essential in order to be able to lead a fulfilled and happy life. Health is not only a fundamental human right and one of the most valuable possessions any individual can have, it is also an essential prerequisite for social, economic and political development and stability. Health can onl...y be ensured and improved throughout the world through joint global action.