The community based programme aims to address the psychosocial needs of children and youth through helping to rebuild peaceful child- and youth-friendly communities through the use of cultural, creative, recreational, sportive and social activities. Within War Child, the community-based approach is ...relatively new and Sierra Leone was the first self-implementing War Child Programme Area (WPA) applying this approach.
National Policy on HIV and AIDS Response through Reduction of Adverse Effects of the Usage of Injecting Narcotics, Psychotropics and other addictive Substances
These guidelines provide recommendations for the non-pharmacological aspects of infection prevention and control for acute respiratory diseases (ARD) in health care. Administrative and infection controls, including early detection, isolation and reporting, and establishment of infection control infr...astructure, are key components for containment and mitigation of the impact of pathogens that may constitute a major public health threat. In these guidelines, the options of using natural ventilation and/or exhaust fan assisted ventilation in health-care facilities (HCF) are considered.
Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 20 of 2007 concerning General Guidelines for the Establishment of the Commission for the Control of AIDS and Community Empowerment in the Framework of HIV and AIDS Control in the Regions
Specific action sheets offer useful guidance on mental health and psychosocial support and cover the following areas coordination assessment monitoring and evaluation protection and human rights standards human resources community mobilisation and support health services education dissemination of i...nformation food security and nutrition shelter and site planning and water and sanitationthe guidelines include a matrix with guidance for emergency planning actions to be taken in the early stages of an emergency and comprehensive responses needed in the recovery and rehabilitation phases
Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
A practical manual presenting the specific knowledge, skills and practices that First Aiders should have to act safely and effectively when caring for people caught up in armed conflicts and other situations of violence, such as internal disturbances and tensions.
Design Parameters and Construction Details
Assesses 10 domains including cognitive impairment and balance and mobility.