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Opinión y análisis / Opinion and analysis
Rev Panam Salud Publica 38(3), 2015; Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015;19(4):375–80
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, EEJPH 2016, posted: 11 January 2016. DOI 10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2016-85
Weekly epidemiological record/ Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 4 AUGUST 2017, 92th YEAR / 4 AOÛT 2017, 417-436
Eur Respir J. 2014 April ; 43(4): 1132–1141. doi:10.1183/09031936.00203613.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 14. März 2016 Nr. 10/11 ;DOI 10.17886/EpiBull-2016-014
15. Euro Surveill. 2017;22(47):pii=17-00103
DHS Analytical Studies No. 39
DHS Comparative Reports No. 42
Statistics and Monitoring Section / Policy and Practice
An Act to repeal the Dangerous Medicines Act of 1973,to ensure the availability of certain drugs for exclusive medical, scientific and related purposes, while preventing their abuse; to prevent the diversion from lawful trade of controlled chemicals, controlled equipment and controlled materials for... use in the unlawful manufacture of such drugs; to render drug trafficking and related conduct as serious criminal offences and to ensure that trafficking and related conducted as serious criminal offences and to ensure that offenders or suspects are brought to justice; to render certain conduct by drug users as criminal offences, to provide for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusing or dependent offenders; to establish the Lesotho Narcotics Bureau; and for related matters.
The long-term goal of AIDSFree is to improve the quality and effectiveness of high-impact, evidence-informed HIV and AIDS interventions. This semiannual performance report (SAPR) summarizes AIDSFree's achievements for the period October 1, 2015–March 31, 2016