Globally each year, millions of people suffer illness or lose their lives because the vaccines, medicines and diagnostic tests that they need are either unavailable or unaffordable – and this lack of access to medicine is acute in low- and middle-in-
come countries (LMICs). While the COVID-19 pan...demic laid this inequity bare, it also saw the pharmaceutical industry develop and bring new vaccines and treat- ments to market at unprecedented speed. As the world emerges from the worst
of this crisis, pharmaceutical companies are now at an important juncture, where lessons learned from the pandemic can prove pivotal in finding solutions to bridge long-standing gaps in access to medicine in LMICs.
Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis, is an illness that can cause serious heart and stomach problems. It is caused by a parasite. Chagas disease is common in Latin America, especially in poor, rural areas. It can also be found in the United States, most often in people who were infected they moved to the U.S.
“Wearing masks is important. We want to recommend widespread use of masks. We are recommending that people can use cloth masks, just make sure there’s a three layer kind of thing.”Dr Zweli Mkhize, Minister of Health
available in: Xitsonga, Tshivenda, Siswati, Setswana, Sesotho, Sepedi, isiZul...u, isiXhosa, isi Ndebele, Afrikaans
After a radiation emergency, pregnant women should follow instructions from emergency officials and seek medical attention as soon as emergency officials say it is safe to do so.
Eur Respir J 2017; 50: 1700918
This information leaflet is for general informative purposes only. It can be used in its current form or further modified and adapted by responsible authorities in each country as a country-specific guidance.
PQDx 0018-010-00 WHO
July/2016, version 3.0