La SNPEME définit ainsi les orientations nationales pour la promotion de l‟abandon
total du mariage d‟enfants et comporte un ensemble d‟actions pertinentes retenues
de façon consensuelle. Elle décrit en outre le cadre législatif, les mécanismes et les
modalités de sa mise en œuvre. E...lle s‟articule autour des points suivants :
- l‟analyse diagnostique ;
- les éléments de la stratégie;
- le financement ;
- le mécanisme de mise en œuvre ;
- les hypothèses et risques.
L’Agenda pour l’action contre l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants à des fins commerciales fournit un cadre détaillé et établit des catégories d’actions devant être prises par les gouvernements en partenariat
avec les organisations de la société civile et les autres acteurs-clés pou...r combattre les crimes sexuels
de nature commerciale commis contre les enfants. De manière générale, ces actions se concentrent
sur 1) la Coordination et la Coopération, 2) la Prévention, 3) la Protection, 4) le Rétablissement et la
Réinsertion et 5) la Participation des enfants.
Livre I : Dispositions générales
Livre II : Protection générale et promotion de la santé publique
Livre III : Professions de santé et leur régime juridique
Livre IV : Produits pharmaceutiques, autres produits et pharmacopée traditionnelle
Livre V : Dispositions finales
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has placed priority on ensuring that Zambians are healthy and productive as a catalyst to the attainment of socioeconomic development . The Vision 2030 aims to transform Zambia into a prosperous middle-income country as articulated also in the 7th National De...velop-ment Plan (7NDP) and National Health Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 (NHSP 2017-2020). However, this aspiration is threatened by the double burden of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseas¬es. Zambia has been recording an increase in morbidity and mortality due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cancers, diabetes, chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. According to the 2016 WHO NCD country profiles, 29% of all deaths in Zambia are attributed to NCDs. This is unacceptably high, considering that most of these diseases can be reduced by modifying four main behavioural risk factors for NCDs which are tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity.
Опыт предыдущих вспышек инфекционных заболеваний указывает на то, что новые риски
для защиты детей могут возникать как в результате прямого воздействия COVID-19, так ...и
в результате мер по предотвращению и контролю его распространения. Кроме того, существующие риски для защиты детей, вероятно, будут усугублены. Некоторые группы людей более уязвимы в этих обстоятельствах, в том числе, как указано в данной Технической записке, дети, лишенные свободы, у которых зачастую возникают риски с вопросами психосоциального, физического и психического здоровья, которые живут в людных или негигиеничных условиях и больше подвержены жестокому обращению, насилию и халатному отношению.
Technical note: COVID-19 and children deprived of their liberty
Je motive d'abord le choix du corpus et en vous donnant de plus amples informations sur les données et leur contexte linguistique (chap. 2). Ensuite je passerai à la partie de nos recherches qui est consacrée aux 3 différents types de discours et j'illustrerai mon propos à l'aide de quelques ex...emples (chap. 3).
J'enchaînerai avec une analyse des interactions en classe et j'insisterai sur les techniques de vulgarisation employées par l'enseignant en me focalisant sur les activités explicatives. Là encore, je partirai d'extraits des données pour étayer mon argumentation (chap. 4). Et je terminerai avec une petite conclusion où je tâcherai de montrer quelles pourraient être les retombées pratiques de ces analyses (chap. 5)
The purpose of this guide is to offer recommendations for improving the implementation of non‑pharmacological public health measures during the COVID-19 response and compliance with these measures by population groups in situations of vulnerability. This requires determining the main barriers to i...mplementing these measures so that we can identify the groups and territories most affected during the different phases of the pandemic. With this objective in mind––and within the framework of an equity, human rights, and diversity approach––, policies, strategies, and interventions to accompany the implementation and flexibilization of the measures are recommended to ensure that no one is left behind.
From Participation to Partnerships (September 2020)
Despite the COVID-19 challenges, children around the world have found meaningful ways to support and protect their peers, families, and communities. Children are on the frontlines of innovative responses and are working closely with their adult al...lies. The leadership demonstrated through these child-adult partnerships is the underlying inspiration for this guide.
Hands-on information and practical advice for everyday life and work in the field as well as background information on crisis management structures in international organizations lie at the heart of the new handbook. It has been developed in the realm of Europe’s New Training Initiative for Crisis Management (ENTRi) by the project coordination team at ZIF.
The handbook is designed to accompany civilian experts on their way to crisis management missions. In addition to providing a general overview of the institutional landscape of crisis management as well as relevant concepts, the handbook also provides practical information on a variety of issues that are common to working in a mission. From dealing with health and security challenges to technical information on radio operation, map reading, four-wheel driving – the ENTRi handbook is a valuable companion for work in a mission.
Report of an intensive legal training and capacity-building workshop on law and noncommunicable diseases (Moscow, 30 May–3 June 2016)
The report summarizes important issues, themes and topics discussed during the meeting in Moscow, ranging from the design and implementation of legislation, reconc...iling public health objectives with international trade and investment law commitments, to examples of regional integration, such as the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.
Guidance for addressing a global infodemic and fostering demand for immunization
December 2020
Misinformation threatens the success of vaccination programs across the world. This guide aims to help organizations to address the global infodemic through the development of strategic and well-coordina...ted national action plans to rapidly counter vaccine misinformation and build demand for vaccination that are informed by social listening.