Informationen für akut betroffene Erwachsene und deren Angehörige
Die 22-seitige Informationsbroschüre ist als Hilfe zur Bewältigung des Alltags nach einem traumatischen Ereignis gedacht, um sich in der neuen, plötzlich eingetretenen Ausnahmesituation besser zurecht zu finden. Auch soll sie ...Außenstehenden, z. B. Angehörigen helfen, ein besseres Verständnis für ihr Gegenüber aufzubringen. Die Broschüre entstand aufgrund konkreter Nachfragen erwachsener Betroffener und deren Angehöriger.
Global Campaign Against Epilepsy
Medical care for people caught up in armed conflict and other insecure environments saves lives and alleviates suffering. It is one of the most immediate and high priority needs of an affected population and is often the first type of response activated and/or requested by authorities and affected c...ommunities. Medical teams working in armed conflict and other insecure environments
frequently face serious threats to their security and safety, challenges to patient access, and at times limited acceptance by affected communities in which they work and parties to the conflict. Such difficulties are likely to increase (6) and
thereby creating a critical need to establish contact and trust with all sides in conflicts and in other insecure environments to ensure operational continuity. This trust can best be achieved when all sides perceive the medical teams to be neutral, impartial, and independent, and specifically not aiding (or being perceived to aid) any one party to achieve a military, political or economic
advantage. For medical teams that are deploying increasingly closer to the frontlines, the implications of and consequences for both staff and patients of teams not being fully prepared, and/or not fully comprehending the context in which they work, can be severe. Medical response can easily be hindered or compromised by intentional or unintentional acts and the behaviour and
conduct of the teams themselves
The purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Treatment of Patients with Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care is to provide professionals with practical recommendations based on scientific evidence to assist in the detection and effective treatment of these disorders
The Practical Approach to Emergencies in the Pregnant Mother, Newborn infant and Child. Provder Manual
Every day, health-care providers are being attacked, patients discriminated against, ambulances held up at checkpoints, hospitals bombed, medical supplies looted and entire communities cut off from critical services around the world.
Between January 2012 and December 2014, the ICRC documented n...early 2,400 violent incidents against health care in 11 countries experiencing armed conflict or other violence. In over 90% of cases, local health-care providers were affected, seriously threatening the effectiveness and sustainability of national health-care systems. These numbers might well just be the tip of the iceberg
This document has been developed to provide training and guidance to be able to understand what are human rights, what human rights mean for people’s lives, as well as the actions that can be taken by individuals and groups to respect and promote human rights.
This document provides training and guidance on legal capacity and how supported decision making, recovery plans and advance plans help to avoid involuntary detention and treatment and ensure people are able to exercise their right to legal capacity.
The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective. The indicators in the compendium are all either part of existing indicators used i...n studies or by countries or have been adapted from existing indicators to address the intersection of gender and HIV. The indicators can be measured through existing data collection and information systems (e.g. routine program monitoring, surveys) in most country contexts, though some may require special studies or research.
A manual to train health-care workers on practising, teaching and observing hand hygiene.
The Guidelines for essential trauma care seek to set achievable standards for trauma treatment services which could realistically be made available to almost every injured person in the world. They then seek to define the resources that would be necessary to assure such care. These include human res...ources (staffing and training) and physical resources (infrastructure, equipment and supplies).