PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
BMZ Papier 1
Gesundheit ist nicht nur Voraussetzung für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, sondern auch essenziell für die gesellschaftliche und nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in unseren Partnerländern. Die gegenwärtige COVID-19 Pandemie zeigt, welche Gefahren von Infektionskrankheiten ausge...-hen. Der Erreger der Pandemie SARS-CoV-2 gibt auch einen Hinweis auf die Bedeutung zoono-tischer, also zwischen Tier und Mensch übertragbarer, Krankheiten. Es ist zu erwarten, dass diese Art von Erregern in der Zukunft noch häufiger auftreten wird. Eine wachsende Weltbevölkerung, Klimawandel, steigende Mobilität, Vordringen des Menschen in bisher unberührte Lebensräume, industrielle Landwirtschaft und Nutztierhaltung sind Faktoren, die das Risiko für das Entstehen bzw. für eine schnelle Ausbreitung von Krankheitserregern erhöhen
Key Messages and Recommendations.
The Report, Todos y todas sin excepción, produced by the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC /UNESCO Santiago), along with the Laboratory of Education, Research and Innovation in... Latin America and the Caribbean (SUMMA) shows that, prior to the pandemic, in 21 countries, children from the richest households were five times as likely as the poorest to complete upper secondary school.
Learning outcomes were low before COVID-19. Only half of 15-year-olds achieved minimum proficiency in reading. In Guatemala and Panama, barely 10 disadvantaged 15-year-old students master basic mathematics skills for every 100 of their better-off peers. Indigenous people and Afro-descendants also have lower attainment and literacy rates.
The report includes a set of key recommendations for the next decade, which will help countries achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and calls for schools to be more inclusive, which many still are not.
SAJHIVMED DECEMBER 2013, Vol. 14, No. 4
Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and Portugues
The right to adequate housing, despite having been recognized by multiple international instruments, continues to be a human right that is consistently violated. Around 2O% of the world's population do not have adequate housing . In Latin America, informal settlements generally lack the conditions r...equired to live a decent life, and local and national public policies fail to radically transform this situation.
World Vision’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approach actively strives to examine, question, and change harmful social norms and power imbalances as a means of reaching gender equality and social inclusion objectives in a programme area.
This reference guide is designed to help WASH... practitioners implement GESI-transformative WASH programmes by supporting change across all five GESI domains – access, decision-making, participation, systems, and well-being. It provides information on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate a WASH project or programme to address GESI.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
The primary audience of this report with the compendium of resources are youth engagement practitioners in the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies as well as technical experts and policy makers across the humanitarian landscape that thrive for meaningful interventions with and for children, ad...olescents, and young adults experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.