Indonesia's National Action Plan for Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission 2013-2017
To provide quality maternal and newborn health services at health facilities in India.
Policy Guidelines for Health Facilities
Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services
Confernece Report 15-16 April 2013 - Dublin, Ireland
Swahili Version of Administration of parenteral antibiotics.Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
This film shows how to give antibiotics correctly during pregnancy. It explains the “6 rights” of drug administra...tion – the right drug, the right patient, the right dose, the right time, the right route, and the right paperwork.
The film is for use in health worker training
- Resilient Markets
- Resilient Agriculture
- Resilient People
- Political Leadership for Resilient Growth
A practical handbook covering the architecture, engineering, design and operation of prisons. It is intended for all ICRC delegates working in places of detention, whether they have extensive practical experience or are new to the field.