Technical lessons learnt report UNDP GEF Project
Accessed: 02.05.2020
Guía sindical práctica
Dirigido a personas afiliadas y ciudadanía en general
El presente documento está elaborado con la información que hemos ido extrayendo de la normativa aprobada por el Gobierno desde el anuncio de Estado de Alarma y apoyado en gran medida en la...s consultas recibidas en el teléfono de asesoramiento que RUGE-UGT a disposición de la afiliación del sindicato y de toda la clase trabajadora en su conjunto.
Esta guía persigue, por tanto, servir como fuente de información a toda persona trabajadora que tenga dudas sobre los procesos y situaciones laborales que le sobrevienen como consecuencia del anuncio del Estado de Alarma a causa del COVID-19.
This topic last updated: Apr 28, 2020.
The content on the UpToDate website is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your own physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical questions or condi...tions.
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Facing the COVID-19 (new coronavirus disease) pandemic, the countries of the world must take decisive action to stop the spread of the virus. In these critical circumstances, it is es- sential that everyone is informed about other health risks and hazards so that they can stay safe and healthy.
The... following factsheet provides important information that you should know about alcohol consumption and COVID-19. It addresses, among other things, the misinformation that is being spread through social media and other communication channels about alcohol and COVID-19.
This regional technical guidance note was developed for the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and Asia-Pacific Country Offices to provide guidance on older persons, health workers, and caregivers in the contexts of COVID-19 to effectively support each member state and work with other partner...s in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Transformation and outlook
Refugees and migrants face similar health threats from COVID-19 as their host populations. However, inadequate access to essential services and exclusion may makes early detection, testing, diagnosis, contact tracing and seeking care for COVID-19 difficult for refugees and migrants thus increasing t...he risk of outbreaks in these population and presenting an additional threat to public health. This document offers guidance to Member States and partners for the inclusion of refugees and migrants, as part of holistic efforts to respond to COVID-19 epidemics in the general populations.
17 April 2020
One Earth Perspective. Cell Press
Apr 18th, 2020
In response to the pandemic and isolation measures put in place in most countries, course providers are offering learning content for free or at a heavily discounted price.
On this page, Class Central keeps track of these offers. We’ll be updating the list as new ones appear. If... you know about more offers, please let us know in the comments.
And if you don’t find what you need here, have a look at Class Central’s catalog of over 15,000 online courses.
Strategie-Ergänzung zu empfohlenen Infektionsschutz-massnahmen und Zielen (3. Update).
Epid Bull 2020;19:3 – 5 | DOI 10.25646/6731
April 2020
This Guidance Note offers a list of recommendations based on a combination of WHO guidelines, good practice and expert advice based on the latest scientific research. The situation with COVID-19 is evolving rapidly and the guidance will continue to be updated if and when new evidence o...r information becomes available.
Ce document met en évidence nos objectifs stratégiques, nos pays prioritaires et nos besoins de financement pour les six premiers mois.
COVID-19 est une crise sans précédents. L’impact sur les filles et les garçons que nous soutenons est potentiellement dévastateur, car ceux qui protègen...t et s’occupent des enfants succombent à la maladie et les services essentiels sont interrompus. Cette crise affecte la vie de nos donateurs, de notre personnel et de nos proches. Pourtant, comme en de nombreuses occasions dans notre histoire, c’est en période de crise que Vision Mondiale révèle son meilleur potentiel.
A brief guide for those using social media in humanitarian organizations
The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance for setting up of quarantine facilities
Accessed: 16.04.2020
Productive and Inclusive Cities for an Emerging Democratic Republic of Congo