Despite the stated centrality of protection in humanitarian action and a growing attention to protection activities, the evaluation of protection has received relatively little attention. This pilot guide seeks to fill this gap, providing insights and guidance to those evaluating protection in the c...ontext of humanitarian action
Product:BDFACSCountTM InstrumentSystemwithFACSCountTM ControlKitandBD FACSCountTM CD4ReagentKit(AbsoluteandPercentageCD4+Counts)
Number: PQDx 0133-045-00
0133-045-00 WHO
June/2016, version 2.0
WHO Factsheet. 14 March 2016
This guidance is intended for people designing /or implementing feedback mechanisms in a humanitarian programme. It also available in Arabic, Spanish and French
El objetivo fue determinar cuáles son las percepciones de distintos actores del sistema de salud
colombiano sobre los problemas del sistema que están detrás de la crisis. Se realizó un estudio
cualitativo a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad con cuarenta agentes del
sect...or salud, en Bogotá, Cali, Ibagué, Espinal y Calima-Darién. Los resultados mostraron que la
corrupción, el incumplimiento de normas y los conflictos entre los intereses de diversos actores
del sistema debilitan la legitimidad de este último, atomizan la cooperación y cohesión de los
actores y fortalecen el interés particular.
These Blended Learning Modules have been produced in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs) as well as a range of medical experts and health science specialists within Ethiopia. They are being used to upgrade the theoretical knowledge of... the country's 33,000 rural Health Extension Workers to that of Health Extension Practitioners and to train new entrants to the service.
The Modules are Open Educational Resources (OERs) and are free for everyone to use. You can download them as they are or adapt them to fit your specific context. The OERs cover the full range of health promotion, disease prevention, basic management and essential treatment protocols to improve and protect the health of rural communities.