The UK government hosted the Global Vaccine Summit on June 4, 2020 under the patronage of the Rt. Hon. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The meeting was held by videoconference in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 2. The Summit brought... together more than 300 people, including 42 Heads of State and Government. 62 countries were represented, notably 14 Gavi implementing countries, all of the G7 nations and 19 governments of the G20. Eminent participants also included H.E. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission; H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General; H.E. Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director; Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Ministers from implementing and donor countries; CEOs of vaccine manufacturing companies and private sector partners; leaders of UN and other international agencies; senior civil society representatives; and Gavi champions. A full list of the participants can be found in Annex.
Las olas de transmisión de la fiebre amarilla ocurridas en la Región de las Américas entre el 2016 y el 2018 causaron el mayor número de casos humanos y epizoóticos registrados en varios decenios. La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad hemorrágica viral grave que representa un desafío para el p...rofesional de salud: exige el reconocimiento temprano de signos y síntomas muchas veces inespecíficos, que pueden parecerse a otros síndromes febriles agudos. La detección temprana de los casos sospechosos o confirmados, el monitoreo de los signos vitales y las medidas de soporte vital, y el tratamiento de la insuficiencia hepática aguda siguen siendo las estrategias recomendadas para el manejo de los casos. El presente informe es el resultado de las deliberaciones sobre la experiencia de expertos de la Región en cuanto al manejo clínico de pacientes con fiebre amarilla, especialmente en brotes y epidemias, mediante la contextualización de esa experiencia en el conjunto actual de la evidencia médico-científica y la consideración de las directrices técnicas ya disponibles en los países de la Región. Presenta flujogramas para la evaluación inicial del paciente con sospecha clínica de fiebre amarilla y sugiere un conjunto mínimo de pruebas de laboratorio que puede ser útil cuando hay pocos recursos; además, detalla aspectos de la organización de los sistemas de salud para enfrentar brotes y epidemias de fiebre amarilla.
The Monitoring Report, which covers the first two months of the response from 25 August to 31 October, highlights the work of the Government of Bangladesh, in cooperation with humanitarian partners who are working to provide relief services for the refugee population and Bangladeshi host communities.... Of the 1.2 million people in need, around half have been reached with assistance. The Report also explains the challenges and gaps that remain. The risk of disease outbreak is high, and the impact of a cyclone or heavy rain would be massive. There is not enough land to provide adequate living conditions for the more than 830,000 refugees that now crowd Cox’s Bazar.
El presente documento reúne un conjunto de recomendaciones formuladas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) para ayudar, a los profesionales encargados de los programas de control de vectores de Latinoamérica y el Caribe a nivel nacional, ...subnacional y local, a actualizar y tomar decisiones basadas en la evidencia sobre las medidas de control más apropiadas para cada situación específica. El MIV puede utilizarse cuando la meta es la vigilancia y el control o la eliminación (dependiendo de la situación específica) de las ETV y puede contribuir a reducir el desarrollo de la Resistencia a los insecticidas mediante el uso racional de estos productos. Este documento contiene las instrucciones para llevar a cabo el mandato de la OPS del 2008 sobre el control integrado de vectores (resolución CD48.R8, documento CD48/13) y, en particular, complementa una serie de guías de la OMS publicadas en el 2012
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the challenges countries face for maintaining their COVID-19 response while addressing competing public health challenges, conflicts, climate change and economic crises.
It remains critical for national programmes to continue to offer testing for COVI...D-19 in line with three main objectives: reduce morbidity and mortality through linkage to prompt care and treatment, reduce onward transmission and track the evolution of the epidemic and the virus
The Handbook is a guide to the normative framework for humanitarian action and the operational approaches, coordination structures, and available tools and services that facilitate the mobilization of humanitarian assistance.
his Inter Action Review report for the COVID-19 outbreak in Mauritius documents and assesses the country’s capacity to respond to the outbreak and identifies the best practices, strengths, gaps and challenges of the national response. Areas requiring improvements or sustained actions have been ide...ntified across the 9 strategic pillars of World Health Organization (WHO)’s COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan and an additional pillar for the country’s response beyond health. On an overall, the review aims to enhance and sustain the national response with a particular focus on strengthening the health systems.
3 February 2021
Las crisis relacionadas con las vacunas y la vacunación requieren una respuesta de comunicación diferente a las estrategias comunicacionales para promover los beneficios y la importancia de las vacunas en general. Este documento presenta las orientaciones técnicas necesarias para... desarrollar un plan de comunicación adecuado para manejar las crisis relacionadas con la seguridad de las vacunas y de la vacunación. Estas orientaciones les serán útiles a los actores relevantes de nivel gerencial en el área de la inmunización y de la seguridad de las vacunas y la vacunación.
Despite the considerable improvement in global health, millions of people still lack access to quality health services, including access to effective antimicrobial medicines, or are impoverished as a result of health spending. At the same time, antimicrobial resistance – a consequence of overuse a...nd misuse of antimicrobials – is increasingly a barrier to accessing effective care. The declining effectiveness of antibiotics is driven by multiple factors, many of which can be addressed through well functioning primary health care. However, primary health care has not always had much attention in national health sector responses to
antimicrobial resistance, which often focus on tertiary care, laboratory detection and surveillance. The three pillars of primary health care (community engagement, front-line health services including primary care and essential public health, and multisectoral action on wider health determinants) are central not just to Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals, but also to an effective response to antimicrobial resistance.
Situation Update: The overall security situation is relatively calm and WFP operations continue without incident at the moment.
Escort service provided by MINUSTAH and HNP has resumed in Jeremie and les Cayes after being on hold from 25-31 January during the election period.
General foo...d distributions has also resumed from the 1 February in Grande-Anse and South departments.
This manual describes some of the strategic, managerial, financial, technical and scientific aspects to be considered in establishing a national EQA programme for clinical laboratories and other testing services at all health care levels
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Bontang City, Indonesia
Profile of Crisis Response of District Health / Disaster Risk: Regency of Pulang Pisau, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of area, city or district within Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Polewali Mandar, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of area, city and district in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of East Kutai, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of city, area or district in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Ende, Indonesia
Profile of health crisis response of district, area or cities in Indonesia with high risk of natural disaster : District of Buton, Indonesia